Posted by: Donna Cunningham | April 2, 2010

A Multimedia Zodiac—Look, Listen and Enjoy!

It’s another long holiday weekend, and knowing my Uranians and Plutonians, I’ll bet that not all of you will be busy dyeing Easter eggs or baking hams and yams.  (Chocolate bunnies are another story—I’ve been known to adopt a few of those myself.) A diversion is in order. 

There were so many great features of the astrology blogathon a couple weekends back that many of you missed the huge selection of multimedia offerings—astrology videos, podcasts, and art. Below are links to sites where you can enjoy them, brought together for our Uranus Article Collection by CJ Wright of Auntie Moon.

 Astrology Day Blogathon 2010: A Cosmic Art Gallery ~ Visionary artist and astrology blogger, Jude Cowell, presents luminous images of heavenly phenomena like the beauties shown on this page.  Take time out to rest your mind and feast your eyes on her exquisite slide shows and special galleries. Jude also offers totes, mugs, mouse pads, greeting cards, and other hands-on versions of her art at her Zazzle Gallery: (Shown at the bottom of the page is one of her coffee mugs.)

Voices from Astrology’s Past—Sound Bytes at the Astrologers’ Memorial: This vast collection of pages about astrology’s great contributors ably maintained by Liz Houle contains tributes and photos of colleagues we’ve loved and lost. Take a walk down memory lane, starting at this page of sound bytes.

The Art & Science of Astrology ~ Kent Bye and Jen Gouvea present over 8 hours of podcasts with 27 interviews from prominent astrologers at The interviews were made during the Northwest Astrological Conference in 2009.

Kelly Lee Phipps interviewed astrologers at the NCGR Baltimore conference for his documentary, Return of the Magi: A Documentary of Astrology. Here you have access to 36 interviews in one convenient spot. Bookmark it and watch them at your leisure.

Get your morning dose of what’s happening astrologically from Rick Levine and Jeff Jawer. They offer up the daily forecast in a fun and entertaining format at PlanetPulse at Star IQ. You can also get a two-week archive of their podcasts on’s Podcast Central.

Astro Tribes and Connecting in the Age of Aquarius ~ Are you nervous about venturing into social media sites? There’s a huge community of astrologers and astrology enthusiasts to connect with on Facebook (FB). Neeti Ray will walk you through setting up an account and set you on the right track of connecting with people who speak your language.

 See the rest of the CJ Wright’s collection of features about Uranus—including 17 articles on Uranus transits here:  Uranus in Aries: Claiming a Self-Reliant Future.

LINKS TO THE BLOGATHON ARTICLES COLLECTIONS ABOUT THE CARDINAL T-SQUARE:  The International Astrology Day Blogathon was dedicated to helping people understand and work with the Cardinal T-square and included collections of more than 70 articles about transits by Pluto, Uranus, and Saturn.  See all the offerings here: Blogathon Article Collection on the Cardinal T-Square or go directly to the individual collections here:   


  1. Thank You Donna Cunningham for all THis Great Info From The Blogathon and to give Us The Chance to get to Know More About This Great People that made it Possible !!!

    I Hope we can manage Pluto Energy to Rebuild or Reconstruct Our World Using Great Ideas(Uranus) With Compassionate (Piscis) Actions (Aries) adapting Ourselves with Hard Work, Order, Discipline, etc. from Saturn (virgo-Libra) for Making a New World Based On Better Relations (Taking into Account all People in Our World) and Our Realtions Saturn(Libra) but always taking Commpasionate (Piscis Uranus – Aries Uranus) Actions!!!

    Best Wishes !!!!!!!!!!!

    • Thanks for your enthusiasm, Jorge. The podcasts with all the top notch astrologers are an especially great resource–good to bookmark and listen to as you have time. Donna

  2. The sites in the media collection are amazing. It’s really fun to hear the voices behind the authors of the books we’ve been reading for years. For those who can’t make it to conferences, these are fabulous resources.

    I also want to pass on a good word about the binder I ordered from Zazzle, the place where you can get the coffee cup you mentioned. The binder’s cover has the “Uranian Road” painting by Jude Cowell, and it is the coolest thing! If you need a stand-out binder for something, consider getting one of these. Definitely a knock out! And there are lots of choices for the cover.

    • Kudos to CJ! She was the one who coordinated that collection and spurred the rest of us coordinators to include media in the other article collections too. Donna

  3. Hi Donna Cunningham !!!

    I Think The conjunction Between Neptune and Chiron has helped Us a lot and last Year with Jupiter i Think it helped us a lot and it is going to be still there for some more time and in a Sextile with Pluto and in His Ruler sign Piscis (Compassionate) from 2011 and also has been in a Subtle 30° with Uranus and Jupiter !!!

    Well I also can see That Saturn is Hitting Neptune – Chiron Conjunction wit a 150°
    Aspect !!!

    I Think it will be interesting to talk about This Neptune Cojoin Chiron and with its aspects with the other planets !!!

    Best Wishes i am just Trying to share my Thoughts !!!

    P.D. The Blogathon Superb in Opening Magic Wisdom !!!!

    Thanks Every Soul That Make it Happened !!!

    • There’s a lovely article on the transiting Saturn-Neptune quincunx on this blog written by Fabienne Lopez you should look at. That aspect is coming back again soon as Saturn is retrograde in Virgo. Donna

  4. Wow, those podcasts are great, thanks!

    I’m also looking forward to reading more of your stuff on flower essences. Great info for my blog 🙂

    • Glad you’re enjoying it, Ellen. I’m going to republish most of the flower essence articles from the blogathon collection on how to combine astrology and essences as soon as I get done with the humor posts. But you can see them at Vibration is an ezine and now a blog about flower essences that I’ve coedited with Dr. Deborah Bier for going on 13 years. Donna

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