Posted by: Donna Cunningham | October 18, 2009

Free Advertising—How to Create Email Signatures

(c)10-18-09 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Is your budget for advertising small, and yet you need to build interest in your astrology or metaphysical practice, business, or blog?  Every time you send an email, you can advertise, and it doesn’t cost a dime.  Promote your services and activities by creating email signatures with a brief message,  adding contact information or a link.  You don’t have to be a computer whiz to do this.

jugglerworlds-webJuggling Several Enterprises?  Create Multiple Signatures. 

Many of us who are self-employed have a variety of ways to make a living.  Creative people, in particular, have a multitude of projects and products to offer.

 If you have several enterprises—say classes and a newsletter—or if you want to create a series of inspirational messages, you can easily switch back and forth between signatures. Put your mouse at the beginning of the default signature, right click, and choose from your list of signatures. As you answer emails from people who’d be interested in a specific area, switch to a signature that relates to that interest.  Here are one of the eight I use:

Donna Cunningham’s trilogy The Outer Planets and Inner Life is complete with the publication of V.2: Outer Planet Aspects to Venus and Mars and V.3 Aspects between the Outer Planets. (V.1 explores the outer planets as career indicators.) To celebrate this event, we are offering 3 books for $35, up to a $50 value.  For more details and samples of the ebooks, visit


You can also create a temporary signature to highlight an upcoming event or class.  For instance, if you’re an astrologer, you could create a brief writeup of the significance of an eclipse or of how to handle challenges of the current Mercury retrograde period. If you’re giving a seminar, create a signature with a brief description, including date, location, price, and how to register.

Most of us in the metaphysical fields have a certain shyness or reservations about promoting ourselves, but in today’s economy, we need to work at building our practices.  Email signatures are a painless and free way to do it. To download a file with step by step instructions, including screen shots, click on this link: Creating email signatures for promotion.


  • FREE EBOOKLET FOR SKYWRITER SUBSCRIBERS ONLY: Mothers, Daughters, and the Moon, a 50-page excerpt from The Moon in your Life. Read more about it here: NEW: FREE BOOKLET FOR SKYWRITER SUBSCRIBERS!  If you’re already a subscriber and want a copy, forward the most recent email post to me at To sign up for a subscription, go to the top right hand corner of the blog and click on “Subscribe.”  Then send me an email with your subscription confirmation or an email post with a request for the booklet in the subject line.


  1. Thats a pretty good idea. I currently use 2 links in my sig that has a 30 character explanation followed by a text link and then the same for another semi related site that is monetized. It works pretty well. But I think I like your method as it gives you the ability to almost directly target the recipient based on the email they sent you. Geat post!

  2. Hello Donna: I just wanted to say what an inspiration you are!

    Not only your insights into astrology, which as a novice student of the art I find both thought-provoking and easy to assimilate. But also the layout and content of your weblog here, and the writing and promotional tips you have so generously provided.

    I am unashamedly learning from you as I assist my partner Joe Landwehr in sharing his own skills in and passion for astrology. I note that both you, Joe, and I have 12th house Suns, but are incorrigible communicators who long to share the word.

    Many of your books are in Joe’s library and I’ve been soaking them up – such refreshing writing. Having discovered your blog, I expect I shall be checking in here often.

    • Thanks for your kind words, Sara. Isn’t astrology an exciting subject to learn? Of the resources listed in the writing/blogging section, I highly recommend–I have gained so much from it over the past year and a half that I refer to Darren Rouse, the creator of that blog, as my blogging God, guide, and guru. Donna

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