Posted by: Donna Cunningham | July 24, 2010

Understanding Quintiles—What’s YOUR Talent?

(c)7-254-2010 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

 The quintile is a 72° aspect with an orb of 2° that makes up 1/5 of the 360° circle. The symbol used most often is a big Q.

I’ve been debating whether to include it in our series of research projects on the little known aspects.  It’s little known among astrology fans, but it’s well-known among us pros. We’re always glad to find it in a chart for an uplifting aspect to present clients  when we’ve had to deliver lots of bad news.

 Depending on how over the top an astrologer is, we might call it a gift, maybe a talent, or if our own Jupiter is especially strong, we’d rave about it and say it makes you a GENIUS.   

 The brain trust in our field has done plenty of investigating the quintile in charts of the geniuses of all times.  If you Google “quintile” you’ll doubtlessly find plenty of articles about the historical greats.  You may even, if you’re scientifically inclined, find additional information about the quintile under something called harmonic charts. The quintile is the basis of the 5th harmonic chart, again attributed to our talent or genius. 

 Do I believe the quintile shows talent?  Yes, I do—occasionally even genius, if you have enough of them with the right kind of planets. A mix of outer and inner planets, maybe.  However, we tend to think of talent in terms of the creative and performing arts, and that’s a very limited view.  

 Maybe you have a talent for finding the best deal in town on anything you want to buy—or bartering to get it for nothing.  Maybe you have a gift for adapting really tasty recipes so that people on very restrictive diets can have foods they love. Maybe you have an amazing ability to befriend rebellious teens and get them to believe it’s their idea to adopt  a project that will help your whole town and earn the teens some good will. Now, THAT’S  genius!  The quintiles in your chart might just reflect those gifts.

 I have 3 quintiles myself:  Sun-Neptune, Mars-Uranus, and Chiron-Uranus.  Of the 3, I relate the most to the Mars-Uranus quintile. 

Over the past 40 years,  it’s made me consistently a leading edge astrologer with a restless streak who keeps prodding my peers about hot-button issues.  The way I describe my role in our field is that I’m a TRAIL BLAZER/TROUBLE MAKER.  

It’s not like I WANT to make trouble, you understand, it’s just that I can’t keep from doing things that I think need to be done. And I’m not gifted with the patience to try to make those things happen at the snail’s pace they’d unfold in an organization, so I wind up doing them myself.

As for the Chiron-Uranus quintile, it’s between 2 of the slower-moving planets and may be been in orb for most of a year, so it’s only specific to me because Chiron and Mars are conjunct in my chart.   

In general, if 2 outer planets are quintile, then everybody born on the planet within that year or two would share it, so it’s something special your generation brings to help solve the needs of the collective during your lifetime.  It would only be strongly personal if the inner planets or the Ascendant or Midheaven were also involved. 

What about you, Readers?  Do you or your loved ones have any quintiles?  What planets and signs are involved, and what gifts do you have that would fit the picture?  Leave your discoveries in the comment section.

(You’ll find short interpretations of many quintiles at, but you’d want to add in specifics from your own chart by including  the sign and house. If the interpretation says you have musical talent and your housemates would beg to differ, then look for something else the aspect might represent.) 

If you haven’t been around for our studies of the previous little-known aspects in this series, you’re welcome to explore them at the links below and to share your findings in the comment sections for those posts. 

More Articles about Little-Known Aspects:

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  1. Momma Mia! I have Uranus Q Pluto! U 17o Taurus, 12th H, 11th H Koch chart. Pluto 29o Cancer, 2nd H
    I just ran for State Senator for 1 1/2 weeks: until I stepped down realizing that I was more of a “goad”, rabble rouser, Pied Piper”………….than a negotiator, deliberator, law maker type.
    And upon receiving an e-mail from our Dem. Gov. candidate, urging us to support small business by eating out at local restaurants; I shot back a rather stern reminder, that a large number of her prospective constituants, were on SS income & lucky if they got enough to eat at home! Our local established Rest. ( the Rotary club met there), closed 3 years ago because they couldn’t sustain through the winter when the tourists weren’ t here.
    & INFLATION prevented the local population from
    enjoying the occasional dinner out.

  2. The Q aspect: it’s a talent, in a sense that it comes natural to you, but it’s not a vocational one, like you can’t imagine life without pursuing it.
    Actually, it’s so natural that you feel it would be very limiting to make a carreer out of it. ‘Talent borderline to boring/uninteresting’, i’d call it. Something you’re just stuck with, really.

    Mine? Mercury (in 1st, Virgo conj. asc,sun,jupiter,trine moon) Q Uranus (in 3rd, Scorpio, trine Venus Cancer 11th)
    People’s take on it: i have an unconventional mind, and I bring a fresh, not-intimidated-by-academic-tradition approach to my writting.
    Boring people’s take on it: I’m an eccentric irreverent, a free spirit, at times erratic but at least untamed.
    Conservative relatives’ take: I’m a stupid, naive, lacking common sense/ sense of reality person. One day (hopefully not too late) I’ll come to my senses, find a steady job, settle down, marry a nice fellow and start saving for a house. But in the meantime-where did god waste such intelligence?
    My take on it: I’m a no nonsense person who has a mind of her own and is not afraid to use it. (Ever)striving for (an ever)fleeting meaning. (Should I pin this last one on Pluto?)

    On a more practical realm, I painfully admit that I am currently making a carreer out of it (which includes self-employment, new technologies, writing, humanities), but just as a means to pay the rent, I’d kill myself If i were to do this for a lifetime. And it’s part of my professional aspirations for the future, ‘part’ being the keyword here.

    [P.S. I may have a second one between uranus/asc, but i’m not sure about my time of birth. And no, I don’t look like M. Jackson]

    • VR,

      I am very curious about your ME Q UR related comments, since I have the same aspect and deeply identify with many of your thoughts.

      Please feel free to write me:

      s d v s 0 1 (at) g m a i l . com


  3. I have 5 quntiles and 5 bi-quintiles–I don’t particularly feel like a genius, but do feel I am creative–taking it into my healing work, also studied art when young. Sun Quintile Neptune, Mars Quintile Saturn–making something out of nothing, I was told. Interesting Venus is Q. Lilith, Jupiter Q my Part of Fortune–making my own luck? Neptune Q Chiron, think for the healing. Sun and Neptune are BiQuintile the N Node; Sun is also BQ Chiron–so I am a Chirotic type; , Chiron is also BQ the N Node; Pluto is BQ my MC.

    Have always had a sense I see the world a bit differently. Can you say what the difference in how the BiQuintile manifests vs the Quintile?


    • BiQuintile later–little-known aspect project. I believe it is quite different from the quintile. We’ll do it separately, and next,. Donna

  4. I never noticed this before but I do have one — 5HMars in Sag Quintile 3H Pluto in Virgo. I don’t know what the gift would be but with those houses and those signs, I’d guess, that it’s creative, especially regarding writing and also inspirational. I do feel that I have a special talent for inspiring people to feel good about their talents. I just never associated it with a Quintile. Hmm, I guess also linking Mars/Pluto might mean that I can access people’s anger and frustration and turn it into power? Somehow I don’t think this aspect is just about me. Also, Mars/Pluto, that I can get people to work really hard for me. I bet that’s true. I just never tried.

    The other interesting thing is that this quintile links my natal t-square (which ties up most of the planets in my chart) with my grand fire trine. I don’t know what it means, exactly but I feel like it sounds very good.

    I also have two biquintiles.

    • Mars QW Pluto could have some serious manifestation mojo! Aspect of as magician even without the quintile. See the article on Mars-Pluto aspects on this site. Biquintiles later. Donna

      • You have no idea how heartening that is to read. I am about to take a very risky and bold decision and whether you intended to or not, you’ve given me a lot of courage. Thanks! Smooch!

  5. I have Uranus (late Gemini, in 2nd and opposed to Sun, Merc, and Jupe in 8th, late Sag and early Cappy – Hi, Pluto!))Q moon in Virgo in the 5th conj. Saturn. Virgo and Cappy placements are trine. Uranus rules 10th, moon rules 3rd. With that Uranus in the 2nd I’ve had my economic ups and downs. I am currently in a “down” striving for “up”. Hello again, Pluto!

    Writing has been writing has always been important to me but I’ve always told myself that it’s no way to make a living. (Data entry is the day job these days.) Especially with that strong-willed, know-it-all but indecisive Gemini Uranus closely opposed to Sun in late Sag that has been my life-long sore point. All that nervous energy is difficult to harness and guide toward maturity and commitment, whether vocation or relationship. Transiting Pluto has has been a tough but needed instructor in recent years. Lots of karma!

  6. Donna and Pat, congrats on minding your p’s and astrological Q’s!

    I have Mars Q MC. I am not too sure of its meaning in my case but perhaps there is still chance of identifying something significant in my future.

    I imagine all of us want to be special and talented, which may make these “special” aspects and placements (like Astrologer Degrees) a sore point if they are missing.

    Donna, how do you address the Have Nots here?


    • “how do you address the Have Nots here?” I just don’t bring up quintiles at all, find what else is special in their charts. What they don’t know they don’t have won’t hurt them. Donna

  7. I have several;Sun 11th house Q2 with Uranus 4th. I often make friends family.
    Pluto 6th house Q2 mercury 11th house . I really get engrossed when I read.
    Chiron 8th house mercury 11th house I share healing things with my friends

    Pluto Q chiron I am a healer
    Asc Q2 Saturn 5-6th house no clue

    I will say this I am a very creative person love to work with my hands which could bring in Mercury. I can see something I like and usually go home and make it myself. Right now I’m doing beading and have won several ribbons for my work. I have made crafts all my life like quilting etc can also use this creative energy in the kitchen but I do get bored and look for new thing to create.
    I also have a way of calming people down but I love it the most when I interact with children. Do any of these make sense with the quintile?

    • With Saturn in the 5th Q Asc, you’d be especially stabilizing for children. But Saturn Q ASC could be calming for others as well. Look at the Saturn sign for what Saturn qualities you handle especially well. Donna

  8. I am so glad I signed up here. Having focused mostly on the major aspects I find these lesser ones quite intriquing. I have 2 Q’s. One is between Uranus (2nd hs) and Saturn (5th) and the other between Merc (3rd) and Neptune conj Mars (5/6th).
    I have not figured this one out yet but I am a bit of a frustrated musician but that could be because I let my virgo Saturn stop me in my tracks. Or I am just delusional about it all! lolol But no longer!
    I have a strong mathematical ability too.
    I appreciate your forum for us to learn.

    • My mentor felt that Virgo was associated with jazz. Don’t recall why, but the precision and ever-multiplying details of the beat, perhaps. Donna

      • I do love rhytms. Am very good with percussion and a good dancer. My son is a drummer too.

  9. I have a few.

    Mercury (11th Pisces) – Neptune (8th Sag)
    Neptune – Mars (6th Libra)
    Moon (9th/MC Capricorn) – Jupiter (7th Scorpio)

    Mercury and Mars are biquintile, so I think Neptune is at the midpoint between these two.

    I haven’t examined these yet, but find it interesting that mercury, mars and the moon are the bodies in my chart that are weakly placed, in terms of essential dignity. Also the quintiles are the tightest aspects in my chart, with the widest (the biquintile) within 1/3 of a degree.

    The following could be related… ?

    I am very intuitive and can feel that physically (skin, body) or in the gut or in the brain, and have flashes of insight or knowledge that are extremely specific and for which I have no evidence. It’s taken years to learn to trust this. While I do trust it, I’m still learning not to hide this from others, or rather, how and when to be open about it.

    I’m a dancer and, while I quit for years before returning to it, this has always been a place that is very natural and instinctual.

    I think I have a sort of healing touch that feels partly physical and partly like transmission or channeling … of what I’m not sure. It makes me feel vulnerable, so I am only comfortable being present with this when very closely connected to someone.

    Dance is the only one of these that I’ve cultivated … and even that I felt the need to quit for years. Not sure if any of these are quintile related, but they’re areas of light capability that don’t seem to be explained by other aspects in my chart, or to be explained by anything else really, and they seem to have the tone of how quintiles might manifest.

  10. Only quintile I have is between my ASC & MC and am not sure if that qualifies because both are calculated points and not a planet. One of those “Have nots” I guess . . . 😀


    • Sorry, I think not…but who knows? Claim it and it’s yours. Donna

  11. How interesting, never thought to look at these before but it’s great to see I have a couple of them in a chart full of squares and oppositions. Pisces Venus Q. Neptune (what a gift!) and Pisces Mercury Q. MC (who knows?). I’m going to have to mull these over for awhile. This is really helping me take my astrology studies to the next level, Donna, thanks!

    • All right I thought about it. Mercury Q. MC: I have an amazing ability to absorb information and to regurgitate it at the right to upon the right person. I’m always telling people things they never knew or, more importantly, never knew they wanted to know. If you want to know what book/movie/song/Wiki is perfect for you, I can probably provide it.

      • What an awesome talent, Charlotte!

  12. There’s one quintile in my chart: Venus-Uranus.
    It’s also the only aspect Uranus is making (and i’m an Aquarian!).

    I’ve got difficulty accessing my Uranian energy. Sometimes it feels Uranus is living me and i’ve got no say whatsoever. Uranus is in Scorpio and is also the ruler of my 8th house (with the Sun there). I guess it’s safe to say i’ve experienced emotional pain that’s beyond this world. The good thing about that is that it’s given me tremendous insight into us humans and an ever growing feeling of compassion.
    With Venus quintile Uranus i can find beauty in highly unlikely places, people and circumstances.

  13. I have two, but they quintile the Asc, so maybe not counting?
    Asc 21’12” Sco Q 9th house Moon 10’58” Virgo, and Pluto at 9’45” Virgo.
    If there is a special talent here, I’m afraid it might be a very sarcastic tongue … Moon-Pluto is not excactly a mellow aspect.

  14. Hi Donna,

    I have one: Uranus in Scorpio Q North Node in Virgo.

    When I jokingly told my mom that I (following this post 🙂 ) have an aspect which indicates that I might be a genius, she immediately said: “do you remember that your physics tutor said that you have a non-trivial mind?”. Apart from the lols, this is how I feel – that I think differently than most of the people.

    I also aspire to be “at the leading edge of creation and consciousness”. I love everything modern, especially if it benefits humanity: like the new technology, or organic food AND last but definitely not least – progressive ideas that improve our well-being.

    And – I inspire to combine esoterics with science, or shall I say, I seriously research topics such as astrology, breathing, imagination, new energy etc. My approach to this is very scientific – I test and research whether it works or not (unoficially, of course 🙂 ), and why it works. I feel that there are many things that we can’t explain or define yet, but nonetheless they work, and if the state of facts is like this, that means that we should update the ways in which we perceive our world. If something works and improves my well-being – I use it.

  15. Donna, are we counting quintiles to the angles on this one?

    I have two of these: a 3rd H Moon in Sadge to the Asc. (Libra) & 12th H Jupiter to the MC (Cancer)

    The other is an exact quintile is between NN in the 10th (Leo) and Chiron in the 8th (Taurus). I feel this one may be particularly important as Chiron is also the apex of a yod….perhaps this quintile would serve as an outlet point or act as a channel for being able to fullfill my nodal mission.

    It’s odd, but tonight’s Full Moon in Aquarius is highlighting my nodal axis. It falls within 1 degree of my SN. Funny that you’re starting a coversation about quintiles that is making me look at my NN….it’s kind of feeling like one of those “tap on the shoulder” moments, if you know what I mean!

    • I think we are. I’ve never considered it, but I definitely think a quintile to the MH would be a career booster and one to the Asc would be an over-all appealing personality characteristic. Donna

      • I have two quintiles to MC, Venus and NN. I don’t know what this means (yet) as my MC is still battling it out with its squares to Moon and Mercury. It seems that the path of my midheaven is going to be a lifelong challenge, but I hope it will also be my ‘gift’.

  16. Mercury in Pisces in the 11th quintile Neptune in Capricorn in the 8th (conjunct Mars). Cafe Astrology thinks that I will excel in areas of “creative imagination.” I struggle with Neptune in general, but if we take the idea that sometimes the less obvious gifts are the ones that are most helpful to our careers, a creative and child-like imagination would be perfectly wonderful for someone who chose to be a teacher and would also integrate the collective-mindedness of the 11th house (and I’m a high school teacher, so teens, not little children).

    The more I consider the aspect, the more it seems to be a further reinforcement of the qualities of Mercury in Pisces. Perhaps the quintile aspect adds to my ambivalence. While I’m ambivalent, I nearly always know which side of a discussion I agree with – maybe the Neptune-Mars conjunction? I’m not at all sure, but it’s certainly interesting to consider.

    Venus in Aries in the 12th is also quintile my Aquarius MidHeaven, but like the others who have commented, I’m not sure if it counts or how it might manifest.

    • Venus trine an Aquaris midheaven would definitely have people skills that would give the career a boost–“it’s who you know….” Donna

  17. 1st house Libra/Scorpio Sun (Libra side) Q 10th house 2nd decan Leo Mars.

    The Cafe Astrology interpretation mentions having the talent to develop goals in a creative manner, as well as excelling in sports and competition where finesse, creativity, strength, and power are all needed to ensure success.

    I would add working with children (due to the double Sun/Leo connotation of my aspect) in a creative way, particularly where finesse and strength are required. I teach special needs kids and I can see where this aspect fits into my own abilities to be creative in meeting both my personal teaching goals and my students’ IEP goals as well.

  18. I have Saturn (8th house) Quintile Chiron (5th house).

    I don’t know how to interpret this. Because Chiron was an astrologer and because Saturn is in my 8th house (occult) – I think I might have something to do with talent to astrology.

    I found this (google, god bless it :p):

    “Saturn quintile Chiron
    You have a gift, a special genius for combining traditional medical understanding and knowledge with the cutting edge holistic alternatives, and expressing and implementing the resulting creation in exciting and original ways. This is never an accomplished task, rather it is a life long journey of artistry, learning and healing. Play and surprise are very much a part of the creative process, and you have those especially rare qualities of discipline and perseverance that make everything possible. It is about taking responsibility for your own health and life decisions, thereby helping others to do the same. By becoming the parent and the doctor in your own life, you will find many keys that you can share with others.”

    “Play and surprise are very much a part of the creative process (YES), and you have those especially rare qualities of discipline and perseverance that make everything possible.” (NO).

    “It is about taking responsibility for your own health” AND “By becoming the parent and the doctor in your own life” –> I did this, some years ago. It worked.

    I have perseverence, yes, (and that sometimes Is Not a good thing) but I really lack discipline.

    Carl Jung had this, also:

    “Saturn Quintile Chiron


    Break a wall of silence. You could do some healing work with men, especially around issues of defensiveness and vulnerability. To gain more power, get closer to those in power.”


    “Saturn quintile Chiron
    Here the effect of Saturn is to ground and make stable the higher
    energies and perceptions that Chiron is trying to release. The
    temptation to take an over pragmatic approach to life and to ignore
    other considerations will be strong in early life but once the
    urge is felt to manifest higher abilities it can be achieved in a
    very practical way so that you find it easy to charge people up and
    win them over to your way of thinking thanks to your clear focus.”

    I’ll stop.

    I can’t say that any of these explanations “click”… maybe they will, later in life, I don’t know.

    • Hey Dunya, thanks for sharing this information! I was quite stumped about what this meant. I’ve always had a knack for INITIATING & FINISHING what appeared to be outrageous projects and creations by mixing pragmatism with creativity!

      I also have my ASC quintile Mercury… I loved school and college! I’ve always loved to write and scribble. My favorite toy was a Fisher Price School Desk, and now I usually carry an attache with magazines, books and paper and pen!!

  19. How about quintiles in a Solar Return Chart? Do they speak of a special talent during that year?

    • Maybe not a new talent, but the chance to develop moderately good abilities into far stronger ones. Donna

  20. Aldo foun this:

    “Saturn Quintile Chiron allows transcendence of the spiritual form from the temporal 4’s and 8’s. The transformational Quintile of five allows freedom from lower three-dimensional form (of which Saturn is the master), from being locked eternally in a cyclic square of time. Chiron is an outer solar system body and is beyond form and boundary. Chiron, having experience, returns to help in the emancipation process.”


  21. I have Venus quintile Chiron. Also a quintile between my ascendant and Uranus. More of that cousin stuff I guess.
    my husband has a quintile between sun and saturn. Maybe this has to do with how hard he worked to be a father?
    One of my sons has Venus quintile his ascendant and Neptune. Unfortunately, not the one who needs some good news in his chart.

    • someone named Magyan put some quintile info on the web:
      (i found the stuff by googling)

      and on this website I found this explanation for Venus Quintile Chiron that works for me:

      You have a natural understanding of the mind/body connection and holistic principles of healing, and a unique ability to give expression and validity to them.

      Sun quintile Saturn
      You are gifted as a leader and teacher. You find creative solutions to challenges, and accept responsibility easily, even eagerly. You probably enjoy work and have no problem setting long-term goals and achieving them.

      and I like what Linda Goodman said about my uranus quintile ascendant:

      Uranus quintile Ascendant : Will tend to adopt stylized patterns of behaviour which display on the surface the Uranian characteriestics such as clarity, precision, eccentricity, and emphasis of one’s own uniqueness and originality.

      • Thanks Mimi! I have venus quintile chiron, and had no idea how to look at it!

  22. do quintiles to the Nodes count?

    I have Mercury, from the 10th q NN in the 7th. not sure what it does though. I don’t consider myself as talented. I can do lots of things, but nothing trully special.

    I have another one – Asc q MC. this makes little sense, except perhaps the fact that – jokingly, I managed to invent a very creative life for myself.

    • If you claim a quintile, then it is up to you to work it. A quintile not used is a quintile wasted. Donna

      • lol

        I’ll see what I can do about it.

        thank you

  23. Hi Donna – I have two quintiles, both involving Uranus. My 12th house Uranus (in Leo) quintiles my 2nd house Libra Sun (which is conjunct Venus/North Node/Neptune). And it quintiles (just 5 minutes past 2 degree orb) my retrograde Gemini Mars in the 9th. Also interesting (at least to me) is that Uranus and the Sun are the respective rulers of my Chiron/Uranus opposition in the 6th/12th. Uranus also rules my Aquarius Moon.

    I’m good at recognizing potential (or hidden) problems and then coming up with practical solutions, although sometimes my insights are viewed as being disruptive since they tend to run counter to popular opinion and/or the powers that be. Since my quintiles involve the 12th, my intuitive and psychic gifts are strong (if unpredictable), as is my spiritual foundation, which has taken a lifetime to build upon, trust in, and then express. I strongly relate to what Maaike said about how her own suffering has resulted in the gifts of insight and compassion.

    And it seems I have the ability to channel healing energy through my hands; when I told an old friend about this recent discovery, she said she’d always considered me a “healer”. Funny how I never saw myself that way. I’ve read that the qualities bestowed by quintiles are often noticed by others while the recipient may be relatively unaware of their effect. My art also seems to be influenced by the quintile to my 2nd house Sun.

  24. Ok, so some people have them in their charts, but
    I have a question pertaining to aspects between
    two people that are quintile. What if a couple has
    their Sun’s in quintile to one another?
    Thank you, Donna.

    • I haven’t a clue. To me, it’s stretching it a bit, but what do I know from couples quintiling jointly! Donna

  25. Hello Donna,
    Quintiles have always fascinated me – because I have quite a few which are intertwined and potent in me. Using 3 degree orb on Quintile and 2 degree orb on Bi-quintile.

    Sun / Mercury Rx (12 min conj) Sagittarius 11 house Q Mars / Saturn (55 min conj) in Libra 9 house

    Mars / Saturn (55 min conj) Libra 9 house Q Moon Leo 7 house

    Venus Scorpio 10 house Bi Quintile Jupiter Aries 3 house.

    I am a person who is very intellectual, speaks well, am quick of mind, I love words and a well turned phrase, I speak with power tho don’t mean too (Sun Mercury tri Pluto Leo 7 house) also run off at the mouth and can be foot in mouth 
    Net working and communication are a big part of my life (Jupiter Aries 3) and the self responsibility theme runs thru there.

    I am well known for my volunteer work in my adult years (plus non volunteer) and when I see injustices I speak up, I dig deep, research, get my facts and have brought many underlying issues to the light in various organisation both volunteer, work related and pleasure over the years – here I think the 2 sets of Quintiles come in here.
    – The Sun / Mercury Q Mars / Saturn is the overview, bigger picture side of me in groups with the philosophy and psychology (a big part of me and talk about it a lot), working with people, communicating, action, persistence, self responsibility.
    – The Mars / Saturn Q Moon I network a lot with individuals during this times (as well as generally), I am listened to, I have very focussed dog with a bone capabilities and feel by one to one contact you can get much across for the group process to go well (networking Moon tri Jupiter) and yes my way tho I try to be honest and give my view points without coercion. My belief is the more knowledge one has of things the easier it is to make decisions. I say it and then let it go the outcome is not mine to determine.
    – Jupiter (networking) BQ Venus bringing things to prominence, Venus in Scorpio bring the hydra to the light.

    I am a rabble rouser of the first order and once I am onto something I don’t let go and follow it thru for a hopefully positive outcome or at the very least bring things out into the open.

    This of course does cause many waves (Uranus Sq Mars/ Saturn as well as Jupiter wide T Sq) and tho the outcome usually is positive, my reputation can sometimes be tarnished by those who wanted things to remain secret and didn’t like their activities brought to the surface.
    My mouth can be my very best asset but also my worst – it can run away with me and sometimes be a bit harsh.

    OK enough from me.

    Warm Regards Ineke

  26. I have an exact Sun/Saturn Quintile and I’ve always wondered about it. My Sun is in the 11th house in Scorpio and my Saturn is in Virgo in the 9th.

    If I had to describe my talent, I’d say that I’m an incredible organizer. I can laser in on the details and sort them out with the blink of an eye. My specific talent is getting an immediate big picture sense of all the details, even when they’re in chaos, and sketching out a plan. I think this is pretty incredible considering I have a Mercury/Neptune conjunction in the 12th squaring my Saturn.

  27. bQ of mercury at 14 libra 3rd house to chiron at 6 pisces 7th house. One site I found describes a talent for mind/body healing relationships and ability to communicate multidimensional concepts. bQ may not be the same as Q though. wish it were! that sounds cool

  28. Hi Donna & everybody else!

    I also have the trail-blazing, Mars-Uranus quintile – which is emphasized by having mars on the ascendant.

    My favorite is my second quintile, between Moon & Venus.

    This one is between my two final dispositors (if one can have two) – Cancer Moon (in H 3) & Libra Venus (in H 5). It gives me talent for fun relationships, enjoying children (nurturing them, playing with them, reading books to them, teaching them), being creative with making parties, home entertaining (social part of it as well as cooking). .. You get the picture.
    I feel that this quintile is the best part of me. It relates to what I really enjoy & how I best relate to other people – the creativity that I need to express & the kindness. I also have other not so great aspects in my chart – but we’re not discussing those today.

  29. I have a quintile rectangle (a grand quintile????) aspect pattern between Pluto/MC conjunction at 7° Virgo quintile Venus in Gemini at 25°26’ in the 8th and Bi-quintile to Jupiter in Aquarius at 1°34’ in the 3rd house.
    Creative, to be honest I’m not particularly creative myself, though I do have a lot of friends who are artists or writers and I would consider myself as a muse to one of my friends who is a figurative artist. We have a joke that she has lived off my body for years!
    In the early 1990’s she took a series of photographs of me when I was in my early 30’s and she still uses them as the basis of her paintings almost 20 years later.
    She says that I was always the best model she ever had though I have no idea what she means! Even to this day when I go to one of her exhibitions my kids are all excited searching out the ones of mummy! But for me it was just a few long lunch time sessions which broke the monotony of my boring contract job working in a bank.
    I think someone before me said something like the talents of the quintile are so ingrained that you don’t even realise it is a talent and to be honest I think this says it for me. Obviously my artist friend saw something very beautiful and fluid in my body and my movements but it is totally lost on me. She recently showed one of her latest paintings and she’s still painting from those photos! I do love going to her openings these days and seeing yet another fabulous painting based on my body though I don’t take it personally! Its never occurred to me until now that somehow I might have inspired her. Maybe this also combines with the ss between Venus and my Neptune/Asc conjunction.
    This is going to sound awful but I’ve never even had the water colour she gave to me framed, for 5 years it’s been on the floor in my bedroom. Perhaps this Quintile talent is something Ive never had to work for so it’s hard to see or appreciate it.

    • Sorry missed out that both Pluto/MC and Venus are Bi-Quintile to Jupiter thus making the rectangle.

  30. Moon-Mars-MC conjunction in Aquarius Quintile Neptune in Scorpio in the 6th

    Sun in Cap in the 8th Quintile Chiron in Pisces in the 11th.

    I guess, these are all quite good for the astrology work and the healing work that I do.

    So many Neptune Quintiles, but I do not have any talent whatsoever in art/dance/music etc, quite the reverse, but I do have a very strong imagination and am very sensitive. I think my creativity is expressed more through words, in the writing (fiction and nonfiction) that I do.

    Do you find that people express their Quintiles naturally when they are young, but stop doing it so much when they are adult?

    • What a good question, Mandi! I bet they do, not so much because of the nature of the aspect but rather about the nature of life. I think it’s common–and sad–that gifted young people have a certain amount of freedom to express their talents before the responsibilities of adulthood settle in–the demands of a job and parenthood, the necessity to earn a living to support a family. Then, too, our talents don’t always get the opportunities they deserve. As an astrologer in NYC, I had so many clients who came to the city in order to try to make it in the arts, took a waitress job to pay the rent, and wound up being…a waitress! I don’t recall their charts any more, but I’d wager there were lots of wasted quintiles. Donna

    • Mandi your question is interesting

      ‘Do you find that people express their Quintiles naturally when they are young, but stop doing it so much when they are adult?’

      In my case I didn’t notice the quintile talents in childhood and looking back I didn’t deal with issues tho I have always talked a lot. In my early adult years the same with not a lot of what I now call crusading, the urge and need to face things head on and do something about it.

      There is an intuitive side — the universe often supplies me with very timely information which helps my drive to deal with issues. Looking back it wasn’t till my early 30’s that I stepped out, I don’t look for causes or the underlying darkness and sometimes what to shut my eyes but can’t. As the years have gone on it has become stronger, more conscious and effective.

      Donna Thank you for all the energy you put into astrology and your gift to us in sharing so generously of your tremendous knowledge.

      Kind Regards Ineke

      • when I was very small, my mother would entertain friends by letting me guess their ages. I was very good, in fact, I upset some older women with my accuracy. This is Venus conjunct Chiron (I think)
        As I’ve gotten older, I find that I have a terrible time guessing ages particularly of people younger than me (and since I’m 58, that’s almost everyone!!!!) I completely lost that ability.

  31. Hello Donna,
    In response to Petals and Mandi (who wrote earlier comments) I have two comments:

    I have the Mars/Neptune quintile (as Petals does) and I too am a dancer. (I believe that Mars and Neptune aspects in general make for dancing ability) In response to Mandi (who asked about Quintiles being more operative in youth), though I started dancing when I was younger, I stopped for most of my life and then came back to it again 12 years ago, and now teach dance. I am very glad that I revisited this aspect and re-owned my innate talent.

    I also have the Venus/Pluto quintile, and I have always had a distinct talent for transformation through relationship. In fact, that seems to be my raison d’etre for all romantic relationships. Though I’ve always known this about myself, I’m glad to find out the astrological correlation. Thanks, as usual, Donna… Regine

    • Yes, I agree about Mars-Neptune being good for dancing–but I would widen it to include many of the Mars-Neptune aspects, and to include other sorts of deft footwork like skating and tai chi. Donna

      • Donna..
        Yes, the Mars/Neptune aspects seem to suit very well the martial arts! Interesting about the skating… because it does involve ice/water… is that the connection? Or just the artistry and beauty of the sport? Probably both. ~Regine

      • Both. Also, I can get quite a “high” from watching a beautiful ice skating routine, especially when combined with uplifting music. Donna

    • Regine! I did the same thing … stopped dancing and returned much later. It’s strange to leave an essential part of yourself for so long, no? I think I would not have been able to develop other parts of myself, or to develop in the style I was meant for, if I focused so heavily on dance throughout formative years …also had to work through body and eating issues that definitely show up in other parts of my charts.

      • Also I have a venus-pluto trine and feel you about transformation in relationships. But saturn is conjunct pluto and sometimes it sure feels like work and karma!

      • That’s very interesting, Petals, that you also went through a long time of not dancing … I guess the Quintile may have a more subtle effect than let’s say the trine or some other major aspect. Maybe we know it in our youth intuitively, and can only come back to it when we’re more conscious. What kind of dancing do you do? I teach Argentine Tango.

        The Pluto/Venus quintile feels very subtle to me. Almost like an “art of transformation.” I don’t know if that holds for the trine.

        I would imagine the Pluto Saturn conjunction is quite a challenge for you. I know that because I seem to get involved with people who have the saturn pluto square. (Very karmic work relationships). The people who have the square that I know seem to have some history of abuse (the women), and the men like to “push the envelope.” I hope that’s not been your Saturn/Pluto experience. But I can imagine the work involved. Regine

      • You know, the pluto-saturn (which is with mars) hasn’t been as bad as it could be, at least not so far. It’s a loose conjunction, so maybe helps. Also, the 6th house seems like a potentially less painful placement than some other houses might be.

        How long have you been studying/practicing astrology? I only have charts for my immediate family, housemates and an ex, so cannot spot patterns yet, but that would be very interesting.

        I’m a modern dancer and started with ballet. Hoping to move into several other styles soon … perhaps latin ballroom, but not yet tango. Tango is amazing … the concept of following and doing work that is so immediate is interesting, but would be very hard for me, at least at first!

        About the abuse … I’ll say I’ve been wounded, but have also experienced so much healing and transformation. Placed within some sort of spectrum of abuse, my experiences are on the less severe end, for sure.

      • Been practicing astrology for most of my adult life. It’s amazing and if you are just at the beginning, you’re in for quite a treasure. And so with the dancing. A loose conjunction of Pl/Sat is better. I imagine being in the 6th will bring alot of very powerful healing work. Good luck with everything … Regine

  32. Funny that you posted about the quincux article! I read it on my way to work this morning. Thank you.

  33. I have Neptune in Libra, 2nd house Q Mars in Capricorn, 4th house. I don’t have a clue…

    I love music and free style dance but have never focused or excelled in that? Deft footwork…I seem to fall down more than others?

    Help…what do you think it shows? What are some other possibilities with that combination?


    • I have been thinking perhaps this combination has something to do with idealism.

  34. I have two:

    1) Taurus Jupiter Quintile Saturn 7th house

    Saturn rules my Asc. and Jupiter rules my 12th house—I’m dedicated to my work in healthcare, mainly to the people (patients). I’ve always had a natural understanding of how systems function, and often find myself coming up with creative ways and ideas that would assist the whole (system) in more practical and feasible ways allowing for better utilization of resources within the system. This may relate to this particular quintile aspect.

    2) 12th Sag. Neptune Quintile Aquarius Mars 2nd house—I’m thinking this combination strengthens my ability to creatively manifest visions, least the visions my rather idealist mind receives seems to greatly energize and motivate me especially during times when I’m simply depleted and drained from all the negative energy around.

  35. Quintiles feel great! I found a few. Jupiter in Taurus in 7 is biquintile Saturn in Libra in 12 giving me the discipline to produce creative work marketing real estate communities with my business partner/spouse. Mercury in Libra in 11 quintile Mars in Sag in 2 boosts my creative communications skills with groups, bringing in income for my efforts. Moon in Capricorn in 3 quintile Venus in Libra conjunct Asc. I’ve always felt was my dry somewhat satirical sense of humour and my love of bringing fun into my creative work. As this quintile involves the ascendant as well, I can bring fun into my public speaking as well. Neptune in Libra in 12 quintile my MC I haven’t quite figured out…my writing tends to feature paranormal themes…maybe that’s how it manifests.
    I have a question: what sort of quintiles generally would show writing talent? Would we be looking for Mercury and/or Jupiter? I’ve often thought the Moon in the 3rd house made sense.
    Thanks for this great topic!

    • Oh, there are lots of indicators of writing talent, not just quintiles, but I’d look for Mercury, Gemini, and the 3rd to be involved. Jupiter isn’t so much about about getting the writing done, but getting it published! Donna

  36. Cafeastrol hited the nail..I have studied folklore and ethnology. MoonBQmerc/MC. Have worked in different ways with this kind of stuff. Also teached history in secondary school (Moon ruling 3H in 12H). Teaching smaller children needs lot of creativity, too. Made a lot of planning, for masses (the whole school, 430 children, and drama activities to different groops of children. Jupiter, internationlism, ”took” them abroad)thinking here of my Scorpio jupiter as pluto and moon? rules masses. Oh, there was two consert with a mega operasinger. I arranged children to her performances.
    MoonQjupiter, I am an optimist and make a laugh out of misery. Make fun in prties. Acting. Creative in many area. Moon ruling also my 4H. My mother is very creative and I suppose I inherited this Pisces moon.
    Thanks for letting us/me shine!

  37. Pluto quintile ASC ( don’t feel especially powerful- but have always been able to project confidence), and Mars in the 10th quintile Vesta in the 12th (no clue there). Also have several biquintiles- would love to learn more about that aspect, too. Thanks for this discussion- I’ve always wondered about these “minor” aspects!

  38. Pluto/Uranus conjunct in Virgo in the 10th, quintile my Scorpio ascendant. Chiron opposing Pluto/Uranus, quintiling the descendant. Mars in Leo in the 9th quintiling the descendant. Mars/Chiron biquintile. Mars and Pluto/Uranus decile. All within tight orb.

    Hi, Donna! You might not remember me, but I had a couple of readings with you, and took a couple of classes with you on flower essences in NY. I was also at a class you gave at Omega Institute. I still remember you fondly.

    • I’m sure I’d know you if I saw you. Those were the good old days of teaching–I’d often be teaching 3 nights a week. It’s not easy to get classes going here in Portland, and I miss teaching, but the Q&As and other blog series are a great and very creative new way of doing it. Donna

  39. I have an 8th house Venus in Taurus quintile a 10th house Uranus in Leo. Like a previous poster said, I love things that are beautiful in an offbeat way. Salvador Dali is my favorite, and I also am fond of anything that is cutting edge, i.e. architecture, photography, styles that push the envelope. Also am attracted to people who are beautiful in a “different” way.

  40. I finally figured it out…I read my rulership book to see the possibilities and now I get it!

    My Mars Q Neptune makes me a good detective, often using intuition. I love being a problem solver. It also effects the way I walk…I’ve been told (often) that I appear to float.

  41. Never looked at this aspect before. I have ME Q PL (3rd to 12th), PL Q Chiron (3rd to 12th), and MA plus the North Node Q ASC.

    Hmmm…good with communications (visual, written and oral), “getting to the bottom” of things…ability to say “screw you and the horse you rode in on” in a really nice way.

  42. I have:
    Mercury quintile Pluto
    Venus quintile the North Node (3rd house)
    Chiron quintile Asc
    Jupiter quintile Pluto.

    I’m not sure how much those are expressed. I think of them as minor gifts if that. I feel my squares, conjunctions and trines before any of these. Do quintiles get drowned out by major aspects, even slightly out of orb ones?

    Mercury-Pluto: I get obsessed with minutia. Throw something at me which I don’t understand and I will be looking it up. It might explain why people love to toss out “You should be a writer” at me and then tell me I should start by working for free.

    When I was younger, I’d ask a question and sometimes it would turn out to be considered pointed.
    For example I asked a monk how he managed to stay humble (because people were throwing themselves at his feet) and apparently that’s just not done.

    Chiron quintile Ascendant: Back in the day, people used to come up to me and talk at me about their problems. Literally, random people would tell me their stories, without invitation or prelude.

    The others just seem so minor that I can’t figure out what talents they bring.

    • Are Mercury and Jupiter conjunct and both quintile Pluto, if so the Jupiter is amping up the effect of the Mercury-Pluto aspect and perhaps making it more academic, like a researcher. Or, are Mercury and Jupiter not conjunct but instead biquintile one another and both quintile Pluto. That would be a triangular formation I call a talent triangle. Donna

      • Checking my chart again, Mercury & Jupiter are biquintile. Interesting — as Pluto has been sitting on my Mercury for months now!

        What are the significance of talent triangles in general, besides being so pleasingly geometrical? If grand trines are major flows of easy energy, would talent triangles be minor flows of easy energy?

      • No, I don’t think the talent triangle are like Grand Trines, I think they are about talents that can be integrated together to create a whole package. So a Mercury-Jupiter-Pluto trine could be beautiful for analysing and teaching/writing about your research into healing, self-help, or occult/metaphysical subjects. Donna

  43. Mars in Sagittarius Q. Jupiter/Mercury in Libra is my most obviously manifesting Quintile.

    Every Sunday morning “the Preacher” comes out faithfully…must have had many lives behind the pulpit delivering fire and brimstone I think. Now “the preacher” does not wish to be in church per se..but still I can preach one hell of a sermon on the ills and woes of humanity as I see it to the dismay of anyone that happens to be with me on a Sunday morning. 😉
    My dog likes it though, bless her! (Sag/Mars 6th)

  44. Sun in Aries in the 8th quintile Jupiter in Gemini in the 10th. 1 degree orb.

    Neptune in Scorpio in the 3rd quintile Virgo Ascendant. 0 degree orb

    Mercury/Saturn/Chiron stellium quintile Gemini Midheaven. 1 degree orb for Mercury & Saturn, 0 degree for Chiron

    I’m really not to sure how these manifest.

    • Think of a talent or ability that would tie the two planets together. Sun in Aries (leadership ability, using self to lead, explore) Jupiter in Gemini (teaching others, assimilating knowledge) for instance. Donna

      • Oh I get it now! Leading by example, not the just do as I say, not as I do leadership. I don’t tell anyone to do something that I have not done myself or am not willing to do. I was like this when I was in the military.

        Hmm, the purpose of starting my YouTube channel & blog was to teach what I know and am learning regarding everyday living with the emphasis being on making the best use of your money, resources, being independent in thought and action. DIYing, putting ideas out there for people to think and question the status quo. I strongly identify with that saying “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”.

        Wow discovering the meaning behind this quintile ties together other aspects that involve these planets. I think I’m getting a bit closer to understanding my purpose.

  45. This is another aspect I’ve been pondering. I’ve got one quintile, Scorpio Moon 6th House Q Cap Saturn 9th House. Don’t believe I’ve seen Moon Q Saturn here yet.

    Right off the bat, you’ll see that this aspect itself would slow me down and make me work.

    I’ve read all the discussion here. I’ve read all the links, and pondered. I’ve combined the work I’ve done in the last 18 months (my entire life in astrology). I believe I may have a handle on this my one quintile.

    I believe I’m talented in…Saturn. 😀

    I cannot count the number of people who’ve told me, “You are SO AMAZING you should be a [insert vocation/avocation/hobby/activity/belief system/political ideology/artistic expression]!!!1!”

    Some of it is smoke and mirrors, of course. Part of what they’re reading is my Taurus Asc which, on a bad day, can come across as a know-it-all and on a good day as a Jill-of-all-trades.

    But in my life, I can actually back up with results many of the things that in fact, I have no natal chart talent for because….


    I know how to practice. Yeah, I can practice.

    I can buckle down, get to work, focus, get to the gist and then, all by myself, apply my Saturnine alchemy to turn that gist into gold. I can engage my virtually abyss-like (or swamp-like, as you like) emotions and literally conjur, ginn up, create out of nothing at all.

    Some people work their fingers to the bone and get bony fingers. I work my Moon Q Saturn and get whatever happens to capture my actually quite simple, easy-to-please mind. My mother is beyond completely nuts that I haven’t applied myself to earning a fortune (I’d just have to manage it if I had it), writing a Pulitzer Prize (that one’s coming down the road), finding Mr. Totally and Completely Right (will NOT give up my freedom, not no way not no how).

    There are things not really just right for this discussion, things in the “you’d had to have experienced it to believe in it” category, things metaphysicians puzzle over, that flow out of me seemingly with no expenditure of energy. Ha.

    And yeah, I’ve got references too.

    Now, some of these things are not particularly Christian to admit. The quintile isn’t the sparkle of the sum total of the “it” people think I have. But nothing, and I mean nothing can be substituted for effortless Saturnian work. And that I can do.

    Ok, so now you’ve all gotten a dose of my Jupiter/Saturn conj Self-Inflation Alley side. I can audition pretty well and do a mean job interview too, I mean.

    Donna, you’ve said a number of times “Take care of Saturn and Saturn will take care of you.” Yep.

    But Moon is in Scorpio. Not giving away any more. 🙂

    My primary mission at this time is to get well. I’ve been cutting-and-pasting myself back together for too many years and I’m too energetically busted up to continue. I must apply Saturn to re-establishing equilibrium and regaining health.

    I can do it. You may take that to the bank and smoke it!

    I am a solitary, no one to fear.
    No one is here.

    I am a mirror and a microscope,
    reflecting telescope.

    I am the web of Lilith’s urges,
    Welcome your damnation
    with courage.

    I am God’s bow, set in the heavens,
    You are forgiven.

    • Hi Parin. I have Scorpio Moon Q Saturn, too, but my Saturn is in the earth sign you didn’t mention: Virgo. 🙂 Still trying to get a handle on how to isolate these quintiles…I relate to some of what you wrote, especially about working hard, doing well on interviews and not wanting to give up freedom to a relationship.

      “I am a mirror and a microscope,
      reflecting telescope.”

      I often refer to myself as a mirror and microscope. Funny.

  46. wow, what a great post! I think we’re related, only you’re better than me. I love what you wrote. you really cracked me up. but seriously, and I know you are, as a fellow saturn person, the truth in what you write is awesome.
    Most everything I’ve tried to do, I have gotten good at. It’s”Oh you are so talented — I wish I could do that” and I think “well, if you’d practice, like I do… you could” and no one ever believes me.
    Great post!

  47. Hi Donna=-)

    I have several Quintiles and biQuintiles in my chart(I give my quintiles a 5 degree orb,but they come in at around three degrees anyway I give my biquintiles a 2 degree orb)

    My Sun (scorpio 5th) Q Moon (Virgo 3rd)
    Jupiter(Rx Taurus 11th) BQ Venus (OOB Cap 7th)
    NN(Scorpio 5th) Q Saturn(Leo 2nd)
    Asc (Gemini) BQ Sun
    Asc Q Moon
    MC(Pisces) Q Venus
    MC Q Jupiter

    I love working with my hands and creating things.
    I love artistic things like drawing,painting,writing,dancing,singing.
    I don’t believe I’m a genius in any way shape or form though.=-)
    I wish… lol!
    I like to know how things work, and if I had the nerve(lol!), I’d take things apart and try to put them together.
    I love experimenting with psychology,health related matters and philosophy.

  48. hi, I ran my chart but i don’t see any quintiles. only one biquintile. does it mean i don’t have any genuius in me? that is very sad because i am very interested in the arts. I have three planets on the third house: sun, mars, and mercury. my venus, saturn and neptune are very well aspected, except for the mercury opp. neptune and mars opp. neptune. my venus is in leo and in the fifth house, taurus rising and i am very much into the arts. my neptune is semisextile my MC and trines my ascendant. Also, my jupiter sextiles my MC.

    Do I really need a quintile to help me out?

    • There are a variety of ways to see talent in a chart–quintiles are only one of them, and not always referring to the fine arts, which are more Venus and Neptune. Donna

  49. I have a first house sun/Venus conjunction in Virgo quintile a moon/neptune conjunction on the IC in Scorpio. Oh beauty! That’s what life is all about for me – I see it everywhere and in everyone. Also I am emotional and ultra sensitive. Often the world is so harsh and I retreat into my visions of beauty and perfection.

    Mercury quintiles my North Node and I am attempting to convey my images in words (Mercury in Virgo in Second) by writing. I see this as a path for me.

    Pluto in Virgo in second biquintiles Jupiter in Aries in the ninth. I think this makes me ambitious.

    Mars in Libra in third biquintiles Chiron in Pisces in the eighth. I don’t know what this one means.

    I think my quintiles are my hot sauce – they really add something to my life.

  50. Great article. I was just wondering – would the quintile and these other minor aspects we’ve all been investigating apply to our personal angles? For example, I have a 7th house Venus in a tight quintile aspect to my Midheaven, and my 1st house Moon in a tight quintile aspect to my IC.

    • Hi, Kayla, welcome to our project. Yes, there has been quite clear evidence that the “minor” aspects do work when they apply to the Ascendant and Midheaven. I’ver always known that my Uranus semisquare to the MH was part of why I wound up an astrologer, but I also discovered that the septile from Venus in Gemini to my MH was part of my sucess as a writer. Other participants did report on quintiles and other minors that clearly applied to the Asc and MH. Donna

  51. Hi, I have got two aspects, Leo Jupiter 4th Q Taurus Ascendant and Virgo Moon 5th Q Scorpio Pluto 6th.

    (Excuse my English, I’m Italian.
    Very nice blog!!
    Donna in italian means woman, nice name!
    I look forward to the test of Venus, so I will have all the planet’s scores.
    My compliments!)

  52. I have a 24 degree Cancer sun conjunct mars(zero degree conjuction) in the 10th house quintile my 6 degree Libra Ascendant …making my mars quitle ascendant at the same time

    I have a 10th house Cancer moon(my moon is conjuct my MC exact zero degrees) quintile the part of fortune in my 12th house virgo.

    I have an 11th house mercury in Leo quintile 1st house pluto in scorpio

    The moon Bi-quintile 5th house Jupiter in Aquarius

    Jupiter Bi-Quintile 12th house part of fortune…

  53. Enjoying this question. Kachina; what a succinct rendition of your Q ! It had me laughing as well.
    Dunya covered Saturn Q Chiron which is part of what I have. Thanks.

    I have 2.
    Uranus conjunct/ parallel Mars in the 9th house Q the Sun in the 11th house. Uranus Mars also parallels Pluto in Leo in the 10th house and trines the moon in Aquarius.

    Refer to my other posts on being an O Gitche Da ( warrior protector) during my 4 years in Boarding school ( 1st grade through 4th) for Indians. Female O Gitche Das are not common and even less common amongst Male O gitche Das is my war medicine that few are gifted with. This is occult.
    At 65 I started to pursue the Asian Martial Arts…mainly to keep in shape and recall my youthful fisty cuffs which I thoroughly enjoyed. It is interesting to study their take on the movement and use of Chi..
    Groups of females, social and political ( and others of an esoteric nature) have throughout my life, been foisted upon me and queried me for leadership. I have not always chosen to accept. There seems to have been a cosmic push to get me in the lime light which is NOT my fancy but occurs if I like it or not sometimes. I am comfortable is such positions but am really an adventurer into the UNKNOWN; which I vowed to pursue at 16 years old.
    Its been a grand adventure.
    College was an extremely flowering time for me and at the height of 60’s activism. I was studying fine art but had strong input from visiting Internationally known artists who took a fancy to me and guided my development in unusual ways compared to what went on at school. One was a definite past life connection and the other opened up the Occult underground for me. One was so charismatic, that the faculty, student body and administration were all enamored of him; but he placed me between them and him with me making all the decisions on which group he would see, and when. Meanwhile I had him all to myself because there was a DEEP bond between us. Indeed I had been late for the class he was first visiting and upon seating myself , he and I clicked in deep recognition. We walked silently out of class, hand in hand, through the park to my place and embraced for a long while saying nothing. It was like seeing an old and dear dear friend with whom I shared unconditional love. He encouraged my Art and was open about how women had a much harder time to gain recognition. Their art might be 10 times better as a man to get the same appreciation. He was from the upper echelon of Italian culture and had a wife and a mistress. They are expected to take a mistress after 7 years of marriage. He was much older than me and the intense, stable love was not sexual. I had never trusted men much up to this time ; the fact to the casual observer mind that I was embracing a total stranger served to blast open the subconscious reflex action I had against trusting men. It was a healing.That was my first year, after that I became involved in the Feminist movement, American Indian Movement and the Occult Underground.
    There is much more to say about this aspect but time and space do not allow it.
    #2 Quintile is between my Venus exact conjunct/ parallel Saturn in the 10th just within a 10 degree orb of the MC. , Q Jupiter conjunct/ parallel Neptune with Chiron wedged between the two. Neptune is within a conjunction to the Ascendant from the 12th house Dunya deals with the Saturn Q Chiron part.
    I have been a Dancer since High school when I transferred a need for energy expenditure from Fighting to Dancing. I often won first place at a Twin Cities ballroom where kids came from all over the cities. I later got into spiritual ceremonial dancing and am a Pow Wow dancer. These dances express all levels of being creative with dance dress making and style of dance. They are spiritual, and social at once and include all age groups together.
    I am a Fine Artist/ Painter and also make Hudson Bay blanket coats which I embroider. Am into Herbal medicine and energy work for healing. Into esoteric Astrology for friends and family. Have done and studied Scientific Hand Analysis , tho people will swear I must be psychic.
    I have met great elders at timely moments who healed and taught me. One was a white haired Druid elder who learned from his Grandmother. His Grandmother escaped the inquisitions in Europe. He broke down my propensity to blame all white people for the worlds ills. He described my mothers people and said he and I were related through them and though past lives.There was no denying him because I recognized many of the things he showed me. The other was a Traditional full blood Lakota Elder who can not be described with words.The Lakota Elder broke down some serious blocks I had and he risked his life doing it. There was a Tibetan teacher before him that shook his head saying…” too risky, too risky.” So I am grateful to the Lakota Elder Medicine Man for loving me that much. I recognized him with all forms of Love there are, when we first met.; Infant, child, mother/ Wife, Grandmother. He recognized me in the same way. Thank goodness for undying past life love! WHEW, squeaked through that one!
    I see Jupiter as a Savior and represents the protection I have always enjoyed. If it wasn’t for my spirit protectors I would have been a dead duck in childhood. I always felt like baby Huey.You know…hes waddling down the sidewalk as a Safe falls out the window , missing him by inches.
    I studied with Tibetan teachers for a Master in Art…their hereditary Thanga painting. This was only available to non Tibetans for a short time. I studied with them a year.
    The 2 Quintiles are related to each other because the Uranus, Mars Pluto parallels also parallel the Saturn/ Venus one.
    I saw the past life where I learned embroidery and painting. It was in northern China and I was very isolated in the Mt. Later when the doors first opened to China a visiting painter did a painting of me in my Horse Dance dress and he said my regalia looked just like those minorities in Northern China and that he would show this portrait to them. All these past life memories in different parts of the world and in many Tribes all over the Americas makes me feel like a World citizen indeed, sex and age becomes irrelevant.
    This is a two way street, so I have helped others as well.

  54. Hi again. I’m over here from the Venus-Saturn post. Thanks for the link.

    No wonder you’re one of my favorite astrologers! I love Uranian trouble-makers and envelope-pushers. 🙂 You have a quirky sense of humor that shines through in your examples. It’s easier for me to digest a new concept with some cheekiness on the spoon.

    Copying and pasting upon request:

    “You mention the conjunctions, semisquares, squares, quincunxes, and oppositions between Venus and Saturn. Does this also apply to Venus quintile Saturn? Your description fits me. I don’t have a problem attracting people for love but I’m waiting, waiting, waiting on a quality love. I want a long-lasting marriage, so don’t want to settle for flings (anymore).”

    I don’t know much about quintiles. What a surprise to find out this represents genius in the related areas! I have three quintiles: Moon-Saturn, Venus-Saturn, Moon-North Node (does this count?). No astrology student or astrologer who has looked at my chart mention them to me, so I ignored them, too.

    What about biquintiles? Are those 1/2 strength quintiles? I have three of those: Sun-Asc (exact), Moon-Venus, Neptune-Chiron. All I know about them is what’s written on Cafe Astrology (where there are no bad aspects! haha). If it weren’t for minor aspects, my Venus would be unaspected. So yay for the quintile.

    • Thanks for the cut and paste. In that series on the minor aspects, there’s one about biquintiles. Donna

  55. I wanted to add something about my Venus-Saturn quintile. My Venus is in the 7th house and Saturn is in the 9th house. I think this has something to do with how I easily attract information. I never have to ask people “what are you thinking?” or pry for gossip. People just tell me what I (didn’t) want to know. They also confess their “sins” to me even while denying what they did! This happened to me the other day.

  56. I have two quintiles. One is a Pluto Q Asc and the other Jupiter Q MC. I have no idea what that means and I can’t find anything about it. Could someone explain?

    • Google “quintiles”–you’ll find lots of information online or in blogs about it. It’s an aspect of talent, of your personal genius.

      • Thanks for answering! 🙂
        I already tried that but I couldn’t find descriptions about the Midheaven/Ascendant and quintiles. Would that mean that my talents are in the field of career and how I present myself? Are quintiles ‘better’ with two planets involved?

      • Quintiles are quintiles, regardless. It’s a good thing to have a quintile to the Midheaven–it means the gifts, characteritics and benefits of that planet are available to use in the career and to help you succeed. This series of articles is meant to stimulate readers to try to interpret the aspect on their own. So, make a list for yourself of the characteristics and abilities of a Jupiterian type of person (similar to Sagittarius) and then consider how those qualities could benefit your career.

        FYI, I am retired and do not interpret individual charts on this blog. Donna

      • oh sorry! I just saw you answering the same question above! Thanks again 🙂

  57. I’ve been holding off the last couple of months replying to this one, but now I believe I’m ready. I actually have 2 Quintiles in my chart: 6th house Jupiter at 3Aqu22 Q 9th house Chiron at 15Ari19, and 3rd house Pluto at 3Lib24 Q 5th house Ceres at 14Sag49. What is so fantastic about this is that Jupiter is Trine Pluto and Chiron is Trine Ceres- so they are very much intricately related with one another and create what I call “My Soul’s Purpose”. A picture is worth a thousand words, and I wish I could insert a square shape into this post to reveal the relationship here, but that’s my 3rd house Pluto making me worry that I cannot communicate this well enough with words alone. No matter, I will try…. I resonate with the energy of the wounded healer (Chiron in Aries). I’m searching for meaning and purpose through creative self-expression (Ceres in Sag), I find joy in my mission, planting seeds in others (Jupiter in 6th), discovering truths, connecting with my higher self, conveying great wisdom to others(Chiron in 9th). I’m the psychologist (my formal education) – my powerful urge to understand the human psyche (Pluto in the 3rd), and my ability to communicate with others, especially children and young adults (Ceres in the 5th), I see beneath the mask humans wear down to their very soul, and I make no discrimination in my ability to relate to anyone (Jupiter in Aquarius), seeking balance and fairness (Pluto in Libra) that anyone who wishes to seek the truth shall be enlightened. It is through this process that I can bring healing to others, which in turn brings growth and healing to my own soul (Chiron all day long). These Quintiles and Trines are the “how” factor in my soul purpose- how I will resolve my dilemmas. The “what” factor has to do with my mutable T-square involving my 8th, 11th and 5th houses and Sun, Moon, Venus, Saturn and Neptune. Another very interesting “story”, but not called for here. Anyway, this Pisces girl is having a very powerful 2011 (Pluto on the SR Ascendant which forms the base of a kite!), so the eureka moments have been coming fast lately. Walking in Light….

  58. Hey I have recently discovered quintiles they are very fascinating and there interpretations that i found on a site explains those aspects of my personality that i couldnt find in the basic astrology stuff.I have 8 quintiles/biquintiles, all involving inner planets or Asc/M.C…..see and tell me what you think about them.

    Moon(Scorpio)/Venus(Virgo) Q
    Mercury(Libra)/Chiron(Leo) Q
    Jupiter(Virgo)/Saturn(Aquarius) bQ
    Jupiter/Pluto(Scorpio) Q
    jupiter/Asc(Scorpio) Q
    Saturn/Pluto Q
    Saturn/Asc Q
    Lilith(Capricorn)/M.C.(Leo) bQ

    My Asc,Pluto(1st house) and Moon(12th house) conj.
    And my Venus(10th house) conj. M.C. and Jupiter(10th house)
    As you can see my Jupiter,Saturn,Asc and Pluto form a Quintile triangle.

  59. Hi!

    I’ve found out, that every planet in my chart, except Neptune, is involved in a Q or BQ.

    Sun bq Jupiter,
    q Saturn
    Moon q Uranus
    Mercury bq Jupiter
    q Saturn
    Venus q Saturn
    bq Pluto
    Mars bq Jupiter
    Saturn q Pluto

    Where do I found some useful information about all this?

    Yours, Eva

  60. Hello,
    I have Sun (Taurus 3rd, ruler of 7th) Q Jupiter (Pisces 1st, ruler of 11th). I also have Venus (Gemini 5th, ruler of 3rd and 4th) Q Uranus (Leo 7th, ruler of 1st). I’m not sure what these aspects are about though…

    • Venus/Uranus aspects give a person a lot of magnetism and excitement to draw people to them–able to understand and relate to people from all kinds of backgrounds. Sun/Jupiter aspects lead to a lifetime of growth and learning, eventually having much knowledge to teach and inspire others. Donna

  61. Hello,
    Interesting. I found two in my chart. My 9th house Taurus moon quintiles my 11th house Cancer Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. I think your description of the Venus/Uranus aspect in the prior blog — “being able to understand and relate to people from all kinds of backgrounds” seems to apply. I also have Venus trining this conjunction from the 3rd house (Scopio).

    • There’s a second kind of connection between the Moon and Jupiter–the fact that the Moon is in the house naturally connected with Jupiter, the 9th house. So that strengthens it. Oh, and the 11th house is the house connected with Uranus, so the Moon-Uranus quintile is strengthened as well. ?Something about learning from/teaching groups of women, something to do with natural healing, perhaps. Donna

  62. How about quintiles with asteroids? I have Sun (2nd) Q Lilith (4th) and Moon (10th) Q Ceres (1st conj Mars). In addition, Mars (conj Asc) Q Neptune (conj Mc), and Uranus (6th) Q Pluto (8th). At work I always pointed out in meetings when the “emperor was not wearing clothes”… not with bad intent, just facts… Also Uranus (6th) is trine Neptune (10th) and Moon (10th) sextile Mars (1st).

    So there are numbers of interactions reinforcing each other and I’m not sure what to make of it all except maybe creativity is an essential part of my 1st, 10th, and 6th houses. Perhaps, Lilith brings in the feminine independence and Ceres brings nurturing. I was a very good supervisory encouraging staff (all women) to pay attention to development of consciousness as they continued to refine technical and political skills.

  63. I have a quintil Mars-Jupiter, and 3 biquintiles: Mars-True Nod, Uranus-Chiron and Neptune-Chiron, and I just don’t know what the might mean.

  64. Hello.
    I have a Midheaven – Sun quintile, as well as a Sun – Ascendant(Capricorn) quintile.

    My Midheaven is in virgo and Sun is in sagitarius, my zodiac sign.

    I chose airplane pilot as a career path. I’ll graduate in the end of the year. Although this has been very difficult for me, there are other aspects that makes this career likable to me. It’s a profession with high commitment so it’s no surprise theres a quintile with my hard working ascendant capricorn haha

    Both quintiles are sun related, and my sun is in the expansive and adventurous sagittarius.

    I also have uranus trine midheaven, which leads to the unusual in many aspects, mainly in career.

    A pilot woman isn’t usual. I suspect this happens not only because of the uranus trine midheaven, but also because I have a sun-mars conjunction in sagittarius. Very masculine aspects all together. Although, I have a very strong feminine side.

    But in a career path thats so methodical and logical, I find it very strange that I’m artsy and thats a great stress-relief for me, specially towards drawing and painting. If the quintile is related to talent, then can one of my quintiles be related to this? I’m quite skilled in drawing without having done any type of courses for that. I can also observe that 70% of my classmates are highly skilled in some other subject, than aviation. I have other 2 classmates who are musicians, 4 of them (including myself) lean towards interests in languages, some of them already have a career built. Seems that pilots have some interesting charts. It would be nice if you studied us a little bit more!

    And theres something I hate to see when I look at my chart but can’t interpret it yet: a Midheaven-Saturn inconjunction. Is it something career-related? This makes me REALLY worried!

    • Interesting to know about your chart and how it fits into your career choice. I know it’s hard for women to get accepted in a career that’s typically male, but women are breaking a lot of glass ceilings these days.

      The quincunx is an aspect of incongruity between the two planets. It may mean that your ideas what constitutes proper professionalism in your line of work don’t fit together very well with authorities in your field. Or your expectations/wishes about what your field or your work should be like don’t jibe very well with the realities of the jog. A quincunx is not such a gigantic deal, it’s more a matter of consciously adjusting to and compensating for the incongruities. I have a couple of articles on quincunxes on this blog. Use the search engine at the top right hand column of the front page to find them. Donna

  65. Well, I have 8 quntiles. 3 to my Moon and midhaven which are on the same degree from Neptune, Mars and Merucry (all 3 on the DC in Capricorn) and 2 to the Sun from Saturn and North Node. All of the “talents” they might indicate I already have highlighted from other placements in the chart so maybe they just add to it.

    • Interesting point, Stiliyan. They do say (they being yesteryear’s master astrologers) that anything significant in the chart can be found in three different ways (e.g. through another aspect, sign, or house placement.) Probably true, but it does play heck with objective research! Donna Cunningham

  66. What kind of orb is acceptable? And can it involve the ascendant? Rebecca

    • You must have skipped the discussion on quintiles that involve the Ascendant or Midheaven. The answer is yes. Orb 2-3 degrees. Donna

      • Oops. Sorry. I lost track of the original post and my own earlier concerns about quintiles and asteroids. I re-calculated and jumped right in with my questions. Now I have read all to date.

        Born in Jan 1941 my generation has Uranus Q Pluto and look where we are these days – in a square! And what a mess to clean up. Some of that creativity went too far in my view!

        Personally I have Neptune (28 Virgo 10th house) Q Mars (9 Sag) and Ascendant (8 Sag). Also, Ceres (14 Sag) may be involved since conjunct Mars or out of orb. Also, Sun (28 Cap) Q Lilith (12 Aries 4th). Couldn’t find info on Q and asteroids.

        I love creating paintings that convey concepts. Yes I love to dance too (Mars & Neptune). I do have a Grand Trine of my Sun (28 Cap 2nd) with Neptune and Uranus (23 Taurus 6th).

        I was a human services systems planner by profession (retired now) and always challenged leaders and staff to look at the BIGGER picture. I love finding ways that multiple topics, experiences, objects, techniques, practices, etc. can work together in a larger whole. As someone pointed out: “The quintiles are unique gifts and ways of linking information, ideas and concepts that are entirely your own.” We love to share what we have learned.

        Over the years, I have practiced this for my own health care – putting together different alternative practices with traditional practices – currently Network Chiropractic (Donald Epstein), Energy Medicine (Donna Eden), massage, EFT Techniques (Nick Ortner & Jessica Ortner), Access Consciousness (Gary Douglas), my Naturopathic Doctor, nutrition, exercise, yoga, meditation, etc. This is working for me at 73.

  67. I’ve got three: Venus Quintile MC Orb 0°18′, Sun Quintile Mars Orb 0°37′, Mercury Quintile Pluto Orb 0°44′.

    Sun in Capricorn (8th)
    Moon in Libra (5 th)
    Mercury in Capricorn (9th)
    Mars in Libra (6th)
    Venus in Scorpio (7th)
    Pluto in Scorpio (6th)
    MC in Aquarius

    Some insight would be great!

    • The whole point of this post is for people to stretch their mind to understand their own quintile. Gee, with Mercury quintile Pluto, I’d think you’d be insightful and way gifted at analytic thinking and looking beneath the surface of things. (Smiley face) Donna

  68. Well, I had an idea, of course, but I thought I’d ask a professional ;)! I have a pretty good idea of the Sun/Mars and Mercury/Pluto aspect. The Venus/Midheaven aspect was what I was hoping to get more insight into.


    • Well, think about it. The Midheaven has to do with your career and success. What would a quintile from Venus contribute to success?

  69. Perhaps success in the arts or performing arts? 🙂

    • Right on target! Also, it would show people skills or personal appearance that would draw positive attention to your work. Donna

  70. Thanks Donna :)!

  71. Donna wrote: “The whole point of this post is for people to stretch their mind to understand their own quintile. Gee, with Mercury quintile Pluto, I’d think you’d be insightful and way gifted at analytic thinking and looking beneath the surface of things. (Smiley face) Donna”

    Message heard loud and clear (winky face).

    I’m the guy who wrote upthread about multiple quintiles. Pluto and Uranus are conjunct on the midheaven, quintiling my Scorpio Ascendant. Jupiter on the descendant, quintiling Mars (above), and Chiron (below) – I think you call this a “talent triangle” Donna? All together, these seven points create a 10-series planetary picture, all within tight orb, (except for Jupiter, which is within loose orb, but because it’s on the descendant, I give it a broader sphere of influence). That was all I wrote. And I’m aware that I didn’t play the game right.

    I’m reluctant to talk about these things because 1. It feels a little like bragging 2. I’m afraid people wouldn’t believe me, and 3. I don’t completely understand them myself. (Oh, shut up. You know there’s other reasons why a Scorpio Rising wouldn’t want to talk about it.)

    I’ll focus on one quintile. Pluto in Virgo on the MC, quintile the Ascendant in Scorpio. If my reported birthtime is accurate, (and I believe it is), this aspect is exact to the degree and minute. You might interpret this as charismatic, and maybe that’s true, but let me share a story.

    I recently struck up a friendship with a woman artist. She paints clam shells gathered on the beach and sells them at a local fair. At various times, she’s hinted at her financial difficulties. She went on Facebook not too long ago asking friends to please help her by gathering clam shells. Ever since then, I’ve always been on the lookout for them. The other day I was at a beach and they were everywhere. I filled a shopping bag, (it had gotten to the point where I couldn’t hold them in my hands and kept dropping them, so I walked back to the main bathing area, searched the garbage until I found a suitable bag, and then headed back for more shells). I’m not exaggerating when I say I probably had about 50 lbs. – to the point where I was worried I’d be feeling it in my shoulders the next day; (I have rotator cuff issues). I was so excited that I drove to her town and messaged her. She and a friend were at a bar, and I agreed to meet them there.

    Had one beer, then triumphantly announced I had something for her. Got the bag from my car, showed her what was inside, then placed it in her car, (which, I then discovered, was FAR newer and nicer than mine). Had a second beer. During the course of the conversation, it was revealed that she lived in a nice apartment by herself, (I was sure she had said she lived with a roommate). When it came time to pay the bill, she pulled out a stack of twenties that must have been at least a half inch think and slowly riffled through them right next to me. I used the last three $5 bills in my wallet to pay for my two beers.

    I had been duped by a professional with a sob story. The photos of beautifully painted shells posted to Facebook, the group art classes she leads – I had placed a narrative alongside them. “She doesn’t know her own worth.” “She doesn’t charge enough for her services.” The picture is clearer now.

    The desire to help a struggling person was sincere, but I don’t feel betrayed. I might have done the same thing had I known the truth, (but I probably would have hinted that it would be nice if someone were to pay for at least one of my drinks). I don’t want to be her friend anymore. The feeling of darts through my heart as she riffled through her money was also sincere. Why did she do that? It was as if she took passive-aggressive pleasure in showing me how thoroughly I’d been duped. But why was it necessary?

    I am aware, to some extent, that I set up situations where people reveal themselves to me. But It comes to me easily; I don’t give it much thought, and I’m not always fully aware that I’m doing it. People show themselves enthusiastically; my “friend” above had shown me more than the situation required. And, truth-be-told, although we had friended each other on Facebook, this was only the second time I had seen her in person. I was not emotionally invested in the relationship.

    I have a circle of friends whom I trust implicitly. I can’t remember ever having been betrayed by a true friend. I know their strengths, and I know their weaknesses. I know what to expect from them, and I know what not to expect. The “circle of fire” metaphor is apt, but it’s not like I need people to burn for me; rather, some can pass through the fire unscathed, while others voluntarily throw their hands up and turn away. I know *I’m* responsible for this, while at the same time, it feels like I’m not doing it – as if some external force is setting up these situations – compelling others to trip over themselves in their efforts to show their true character.

    • Thanks for sharing so much of the story, Charles. A 7-point figure all of quintiles goes way beyond a talent triangle–can’t even think of what to call it. I wonder whether, with all those gifts to choose from, it gets to be hard to know which ones to choose to work with. There’s one flower remedy by Bach that might suit you–it’s for the multi-talented person who doesn’t know which direction to go with their gifts. It’s Wild Oat, often available at health food or New Age bookstores.

      As for experience with that deceitful woman, it feels yuckkie in the solar plexus, but you got her the shells out of a genuine desire to boost her career to the next level. Kind of a loss of innocence. I know the feeling–from time to time, people make up to me and appear to be genuinely interested in me in a person, and I am naive enough to be shocked when I discover they are just using me to boost their own careers. Donna

  72. Donna, I’m on Wild Oat as we speak! (Thanks to you – you introduced me to Flower Essences some decades ago). Interestingly, every time I tested for it in the past, it was always a negative. It’s only within the past few months that it tested yes for the first time. (Since the Cardinal Grand Cross I would say? Did I mention how invigorating that was to this Uranus/Pluto/MC native?)

    And you’re right. It was more of a solar plexus thing than a heart thing.

    Have you tried any of the new Range Of Light essences from FES? They seem to be particularly relevant to our current times, including some that might help with career, such as Columbine and Explorer’s Gentian.

    • I’ ve been hearing about the Range of Light collection–will have to have a look. FES is a high quality essence company I’ve known since about 1980. Donna

  73. Hi Donna,
    Do you have any suggestions for interpreting quintiles in synastry? I’ve been reading charts for going on seven years now and I rarely see them (outside of outer planets, between people close in age.)

    I’ve had an erratic 15 year relationship with a man, where we have five exact quintiles in synastry:

    I’ve assembled a quite a collection of astrological reference books (you’re one of my favorite authors btw!) but I’ve yet to find anything definitive about quintiles in synastry. I would love to know your thoughts.

    • It seems like quite a stretch….but then relationship astrology was never my forte, so I haven’t looked into quintiles for that purpose. Donna

  74. Get this, my Jupiter is the apex of one yod and the foot of two other yods. Its involved with three yods (all very tight orbs). Its also quintile to my sun. There are four quintiles and three biquintiles in my chart. There’s also a golden yod (Q base bQ sides).

    Jupiter is retrograde 28 deg Aries.

    Is there a name for that type of relationship? There’s definitely a symmetry. I mean Jupiter forms sextiles on either side and quincunxes both ways. The sextiles with Jupiter form other yods. ??

    • No, I don’t know of any term for that. Very complex chart, Jeff, and it’s hard to know which of those quintile/biquintile aspects would be best to pursue. (I recommend Wild Oat, a Bach Flower remedy available in most health food or new age stores. It’s for multi-talented people who can’t decide which of their gifts to pursue.) Jupiter sounds like what I call the Alpha Dog planet. Take the Planetary Strength tests under the tab on the front page here. I’ll bet your Jupiter score is off the charts! Donna Cunningham

  75. I have 7 Quintiles and BiQuintiles in my chart, 6 of which involve only 4 planets: 1st house Moon (Libra), 6th house Chiron (Aquarius), 8th house Mercury (Taurus) and 10th house Mars (Cancer). Together they form 4 Quintile Triangles. Two of the triangles consist of 2 Quintiles and 1 biQuintile, and the other 2 triangles consist of two biQuintiles and 1 Quintile. Each of the 4 planets is the apex of one of the four triangles. The 4 triangles overlap perfectly to form a basket pattern (like a 5 pointed star with one point missing). The orbs are very tight.

    I am beginning to learn about the individual aspects involved, but I’m having a difficult time grasping the meaning of how they all fit together into several patterns that then fit into another larger pattern. Does anyone have any insight? If there is some extra talent swimming around in there, I’d sure like to access it! Thanks.

    • I’d make the same suggestions to you as I did to Jeff, whose comment is directly above yours and who has an interlocked set of quintiles and biquintiles, so have a look at that.

      You might gain a lot from a session dedicated to those aspect, a consultation with an astrologer, but quiz them beforehand as to whether they actually understand quintiles. I am retired. (Just one sample interpretation.) If resources are spartan, you might get one of those computerized printouts for $35, liked Astrolabe’s. First, though, talk to one of their tech support people–they’re an honest bunch–as ask whether quintiles are included in their aspect analysis. Donna Cunningham

      • Thank you Donna for your quick reply. I am looking for an astrologer knowledgeable (and passionate) about quintiles. I have an email out to someone right now that hopefully will fit the bill. Meanwhile, I’m scouring the web. I only noticed this pattern in the last month, so of course it has my attention!

        I find your blog very helpful. Thank you for continuing to share your knowledge.

      • Good thinking, DV. I’m sending you by email a list of astrologers whose work /I know/ and respect, though I couldn’t swear they’re gifted with quintiles. Donna

      • Thank you!

  76. Hi Donna;
    Years ago an astrologer told me that age 72 was going to be a good year since all solar arc planets would be quintiling the natal planets. Fast forward and I am on approach now. Can you comment on how this might manifest. Do you know of any printed information I can access/buy that would tell me about this approaching time.
    Thanks, Madeline

    • That’s very interesting, Madeline–I hadn’t heard that but it does make sense. I so hope your astrologer was correct, as I also am 72 now and have several book projects on my To Do list that are a way of harvesting and preserving tons of past magazine articles that have never been published in book form.

      You might take a look at similar ways of harvesting areas of accomplishment that have been your heart and soul over the years.

      You might especially take note of the functions and gifts of any planets that form quintiles in the natal chart, as they’d be in a heightened state. For me, that’s my 12th house Sun quintile my 3rd house Neptune and also my first house Mars (my Midheaven ruler) quintile my 11th house Uranus in Gemini.

      What about you? What are your natal quintiles, and where are you in terms of actualizing them? Regards, a very psyched Donna Cunningham

  77. Donna:
    Thanks for the speedy reply. I need time to think all this through (Aq/Vir/Vir) and will respond at a later time. Short answer – I have only one — JU quint NE, but many biquints. Coincidentally?, solar arc JU is now conjuncting my progressed and natal NE. I lost my astrologer to an illness and feel adrift with no one to discuss in-depth implications. Do you still do readings? If not, can you recommend someone who can read way beyond a mundane level?
    Thanks, Madeline

    • Hmm. Biquintiles are similar in nature to quintiles (72 x 2 =144), so perhaps the planets that were biquintile at birth are now quintile by progression? Have a look. I’ll send you a list of astrologers whose work I know and respect. Donnha

  78. Duh!!
    Of course SA JU is now conjunct natal NE – 72 degrees, 72 years progressing ahead. See what I mean about time to think this through. That one just came in the shower.

  79. I’d really like to see your opinion on these:
    72-144-72 Sun/Ven-Jup-Pluto
    72-144-72 Merc-Mars-Sat
    Sun/Ven in Gemini; Jup in Virgo; Pluto in Scorpio
    Merc in Cancer; Mars in Taurus; Sat in Aquarius

    • People do say I’m very talented and too smart for my own good but I always think they’re exaggerating!

  80. I have only one quintile
    venus (in taurus, 4th) quintile chiron (leo, 7th ) —-healing in relationships?
    I don’t know how to interpret it.

    Plus a tinsy mars-jupiter bi-quintile, but I am already offtopic with it, sorry.

    • A healer who knows how to be loving with their clients? A compassionate person who is able to relate lovingly to someone who is different or who has some limitations. Donna

  81. Thank you Donna!
    Might be true- but I don’t know in which context- now, I am starting a rebellion/ outrageously independent phase of my life- it’s just something that happends ( I reffer to my post in your saturn score thread) where I explained about my transits and the pent-up pressure of society, upon the self- who might not be my real self ( it comes with pluto transit, to find out).

    But about healing, I recently started to delve into midpoints- and chiron is touching almost every important midpoint, making 13 aspects!
    9 of them are difficult ones. So I am thinking- there is a lot of wounding present in the self- and for cure others, I must change and heal my own self- as egoistic as it may sound.

    • Interesting point about your Chiron Midpoints, Narina. In the early days, I worked a good bit with midpoints, but not for about 30 years now. One major astrologer who works with Midpoints is Gary Christianson. And for Chiron aspects, you can’t beat Joyce Mason. Donna

  82. Thank you very much for your recomandations Donna!
    I will check upon it.

  83. I have 5 Quintiles.

    Mars-Pluto, Sun-Jupiter, Venus-Mars, N.Node-Vertex, Pallas-Juno

    • You’ll find a couple of articles here on Skywriter about Mars-Pluto aspects so use the search engine at the top right hand corner of the home page. It can give you the gift of what I call manifestation mojo. Donna

  84. Hi, very interesting article, thanks! I have 5 Q’s and 3 biQ’s. I have 1st house neptune Q 11th house Saturn (Libra) which is also Q NN (cancer) in the 8th also Q Nessus which is conj NN. Mars (leo) 9th Q Vesta in the 11th. Lastly, I have Jupiter Q Orcus.

    I know the last few are asteroids, but I figure they count in some way. I find it interesting that my Saturn is Q three times. Any thoughts on that?

    I have a rather difficult chart to begin with so it’s hard for me to separate what is doing what. Scorpio Uranus rising. Virgo sun in the Tenth. Zero degree aries moon in the 4th. Libra stellium in the 11th house.

    my biQ’s are Neptune biQ NN/Nessus and Mars biQ Chiron.

    I hope to keep learning more about these aspects to learn more about how to better myself.

  85. Donna,
    I have a Pluto-retrograde (in my 12th house in Scorpio; 12th house ruling Sign is Libra) Quintile My Leo mid heaven…I can’t find anything on the Internet to explain this aspect! Would love some of your insight! Your page has been very helpful!

    • Here’s how to put it together, piece by piece. Talents and gifts related to Pluto would include seeing beneath the surface to know what’s really going on with people or situations, psychological insights, healing abilities, or the capacity to renovate or restore things, and the ability to come back from a failure or trauma. Since the Midheaven represents your career path and long term goals, these abilities would be assets over the long haul and would help you to understand and deal with difficult people or situations in your career. Donna

  86. I have Mars in Gemini in my 7th house of partnerships and at first glance it doesn’t seem to be doing much, but Mars is in fact Quintile my Mercury in Aries in my 4th house. Mars is also Quintile my Virgo Pluto in my 9th house. With my Mercury and Mars Quintile I have noticed that I really have a problem with running off at the mouth at times. It took me years to understand that words can be used as weapons and that I have to be very careful in choosing my words and when not to speak at all ! The Quintile between Mars and Pluto in my chart is a good emphasis on the power of survival. Even Though I have my Sun, Moon & Mercury squaring Saturn (and a T-quare), the Quintile between Mars and Pluto have taught me the the art of survival.

    • I call the positive Mars-Pluto aspects manifestation mojo–the ability to summon things want or need by willing them into being. I have the conjunction and it works very strongly. It’s very important, however, not to use it to selfish ends or to take away another’s free will, as that tends to snowball into some very bad karma. Donna

  87. Hai there starpeoples 🙂 I figured my entire natalchart out, except for one minor aspect (trying to be exact and funny at the same time here). I experience the aspect to be a profound one, so any help/insights are much appreciated.

    It handles the Saturn – Pluto bi-Q (exact 144 degrees).
    Pluto is in R, 10th house in Libra, 2 deg off MC
    and Saturn is in Taurus, 5th house.

    Looking forward to intelligent responses 😉

  88. You really made me see a new perspective of the quintile! I’ll be honest, I ignored it for a long time and I’ve been studying astrology for quite a while. I don’t know nearly as much as you, I’m still learning how to interpret and I’m barely getting through that with just my natal chart.

    I saw my aspect table showing the quintile between Venus and Pluto and I’m always skeptical until I read about it and find penatrating information (meaning it had profound insight rather than some cook-book combination nonsense). So naturally, I figured a minor aspect wasn’t worth reading and I always skipped reading Venus/Pluto aspects because I thought I pretty much didn’t have any.

    That’s obviously a mistake, also it’s better to read a lot of different influences that just what you have of course. So anyways I’d like to express what I’ve found with mine in order to support some points of views on this I suppose.

    So first off, reading what it’s influence is that it does indeed have to do with talent/genius which can mean many things. My Venus is in Aquarius and in 8th house. Pluto for me is retrograde, making many aspects to other planets and in barely in Sagittarius in 5th house. So, by the house placements alone shows a very particular way of artistic expression usually in an intense way, dramatic way, dark, you name it. The sign Scorpio is in my 5th house as well so also reading about that as well as Venus in Aquarius shows a lot of support in a unique, dramatic way of self expression on a personal level.

    So, reading “Venus quintile Pluto” honestly only supported what I’ve found from the above more. I still decided to look more into it. Venus being a personal planet obvious has a lot to do with refinement and relationships in terms of pleasure and 8th can be a good and bad placement for it. To be concise, it makes relationships difficult and so does Pluto in 5th. Reading “Venus quintile Pluto” supported that evidence as well.

    So far, it seems to merely add either intensity or just more of an influence to what I’ve already found out. Then I looked at a particular website that wrote about Pluto aspects to other planets in a general way (meaning not being specific to conjunction or square or anything) and it was very concise yet quite insightful to me. I first made sure whoever wrote it considered quintiles and all that to apply to following information of course. So, reading Venus/Pluto actually provided me a surprising amount of insight into the issues it comes with making realize the issues I’ve dealt with before without truly realizing prior to this research.

    Basically, for me, it added more support and flare to already existing conditions of my chart however this does not mean that it’s all I find it to be. I actually do believe it has a profound effect in its ways of talent/genius especially for those with more than one unlike myself. I plan on embarking on this journey to fully understand it, at least as much as I can from this point on. 🙂

    Hopefully, expressing this adds something for any of you to consider.

    • Glad you got to own and love your Venus/Pluto quintile, Jenna, and therefore to use it more consciously. Plus by sharing your interpretation, you added to all our knowledge of this special aspect. Thank you!

      (I am Mars quintile Uranus and Sun quintile Neptune, and totally own and am grateful that I have them.) Donna

  89. Hi. I’ve got 3 quintiles, so finding this post has been interesting.

    My quintiles are SunVirgo5H/NeptuneSag7H, UranusLibra6H/North NodeCap8H and MidheavenAqua10H/ChironAries12H.

    Currently atm transit Jupiter is conjunct my Sun in Virgo and the North node isn’t far away.

    I’ve been soaking up as much astrological information as I can recently. So many aspects and patterns to work through, it’s get confusing and easy to wander from looking at most important aspects. Or knowing which are more important

  90. I have …

    Moon/Cancer AC

    Sun/S. node

    • Remarkable array, Carm, but how do you see them operating in your life? Donna

  91. I can relate to what is written here ( with regard to the pluto/mercury and venus/uranus. However the others I can only guess as there’s not much written.

    The interesting thing to me is that
    1. All except Pluto are involved in BI/TRI septiles
    2. Both my Stelliums are involved

    • So those aspects are all part of a distinct planetary pattern, and all connected in what I call a talent triangle. There’s quite a learning curve to manage the combinations of energies each of those stelliums contain…and still another to get them to work in tandem. As you are meant to do over time.

      If you haven’t got The Stellium Handbook yet, it would be worth your while in learning what they’re about and how to manage the the various energies well. It’s on my website at

  92. Hi, I have Venus conj Jupiter (less than 1 degree) in Capricorn in the 10th house both being quintile Pluto in Scorpio in the 8th. Is this usable in career wise direction? Those quintile are talents even together with pluto? I have no idea how to interpret them. I like doing art but not very realistic ones, and people always smile when they see it, they are usually drawn to it. Even non artistic/cultured people.

    I wanted to go into fashion design with a theme or a purpose/message (not just some pretty clothing).

    The problem that confuses me is that Saturn , ruler of 10th/midheaven/career is in Scorpio, does that goes away from having ideally a talent career with arts/fashion/etc?? Since I don’t see Saturn in Scorpio 8th as a art/practical talent? Also those are the only quintiles I have. It is really confusing to me.

  93. Ahh and the north node is in 2nd house Taurus. So it really confuses me, if abandoning Pluto is advisable for advancing in life, even though is quintile and saturn/ scorpio being associated with career?

  94. I have Mercury in Aries and Mars in Gemini making them a mutual reception and the final dispositor of my chart. But Mercury and Mars are in a Quintile to each other so can anyone explain the Mercury Quintile Mars to me ?

    • That’s a very strong double set of connections between Mercury and Mars! It suggests a very quick, perceptive mind, probably quick to learn new skills and grasp new ideas (way before others) and to communicate them. Decisive–able to take action quickly and effectively. Gemini rules the hands, so possibly quite good with things done with the hands. Could be athletic. The downside? Any Mars-Mercury combo can be sharp tongued, impulsively saying things that wound others–but with a quintile, you probably get way with it. Donna Cunningham

  95. I have moon (Virgo 12th) quintile both my Chiron and Midheaven. Both in Cancer(10th house).
    Then Moon Bi-Quintile my Venus(Taurus 7th) and Vertix.
    I then have Venus Quintile Jupiter(Cancer 9th), Midheavn and Chiron (both Cancer 10th)
    Then Eris Bi-Quintile My Lilith.

    No idea what this means. If they are significant or not. I can’t seem to find much on this topic to be honest. 😦

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