Posted by: Donna Cunningham | June 29, 2013

Using Mercury Retrograde Well

©6/29/13 by Donna Cunningham, MSW

Mercury went retrograde at 23° Cancer on the 23rd and turns around on July 20th at 13° Cancer. As an author, I am actually quite a fan of Mercury Retrograde, as I make a practice of editing the book I am currently working on during the retrograde period. It’s my project for this period also, because my book on stelliums is just two chapters from being done but needs lots of fine tuning.

So, I’m busy on that, but wanted you to have links to the other articles about Mercury retrograde on this blog. I will happily return to writing for you readers in another couple of months. Missing you, Donna

PS. Helpful hint: If anyone tells you that Mercury is IN retrograde, feel free to ignore their advice.  They clearly don’t know Jack about astrology, or they’d say that Mercury is retrograde.

Mercury Retrograde Articles:

Other Articles about Mercury You Might Enjoy:



  1. oh yes. I have made several trips to Italy, and twice I was not able to avoid traveling during mercury retrograde. OMG. the sheer intensity of the trips was turned up several notches. So don’t travel for relaxation during Merc Rx. If you want the experience of a lifetime, that might be a good time to go!

  2. So many do not understand the true nature of this, there are areas in working with a Mercury Retrograde you can get a lot accomplished as he is next to the Sun if you do Solar workings with Mercury you will get the same results as if you are working with him when he is out of Retrograde as you are working with the direct energy of the Sun which never shifts direction and you can create some amazing healing and work under this.


    • That’s really interesting, Ariana. I’ve never heard that or worked with it, so will watch for it. Thanks for the tip! Donna

      PS I just looked in the ephemeris, and the Sun and Mercury aren’t conjunct at all during this particular retrograde, but it’s surely worth watching for over a year’s cycle of 3-4 Mercury retrograde periods.

      • Hello Donna,

        Was wondering my Mercury is retro. in Sag.16*, my asc. Virgo 0*
        and Pluto 21* retro. 12th house…..
        Mercury I understand rules my chart….
        Having these planets retrograde does that cause me to be slow?
        or is it the Cap. Sun… at 3*

        thank You!

      • Hi, Charmaine. Lots of people are born with Mercury retrograde. In fact every time Mercury is retrograde–for about 3-4 weeks at a time, 3-4 times a year–every single person born on the planet during that interval has Mercury Retrograde in their birth chart. I’ve had lots of really smart friends with that position, and contrary to what authors write about it, they are NOT slower, nor do they seem more introverted. And I probably wouldn’t be friends with them if they were taciturn. The only thing I notice about them is that the rules for natal Mercury Rx seem to be reversed–they do buy houses, start jobs, sign contracts, get married etc while Mercury is retrograde in the sky, and they do just fine. Donna

  3. Yes I like merc retro too. It’s great for revisions, Authentic 4th step action (for friends of Bill W), apologizing and evaluatiing the past, polishing existing projects, a breather period where I don’t begin new things but clean up the mess I’ve made in the sudio from projects in progress and recently finished. Spackle and touch-up-paint those little thumb-tack holes etc. I avoid trying to be clever at all costs during retro merc. as it always comes out caustic and in need of back pedaling later. (I think it was) Erin Sullivan who said that people who don’t have natal retro planets learn introspection and empathy via progressed planets going retrograde and that has palyed out for me. BTW a lot of retro curfuffles can be avoided by using electional charts for such things as timing a departure from the house when an exalted planet is angular and not involved in any major aspects to the retro merc. etc.. You may see curfuffles all around but not as part of your direct experience on those excursions. Well just keep mercury off the angles and not making any major aspects to angular planets at the time of departure.

  4. With six planets in Libra I’m very much looking forward to your next book, Donna. Many Merc Rx blessings to you.

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