Posted by: Donna Cunningham | September 10, 2009

The Saturn-Neptune Quincunx and its Part in our Economic Woes

©2009 by Guest Blogger, Fabienne Lopez

Donna says:  “transiting Saturn and Neptune have been quincunx off and on for almost a year, but the role it has played in our current financial crisis has been largely unrecognized. Fabienne Lopez analyzed it neatly in an article for one of my recent writing seminars, and since the aspect is about to be exact for the final time, she agreed to let me reprint it. Here’s what Fabienne has to say.”  

 Many astrologers are saying this economic downturn expresses the entrance of Pluto into Capricorn and the opposition between Saturn and Uranus. However, there is an additional astrological aspect that fuels the feeling of economic doom and gloom: the inconjunct between Saturn in Virgo and Neptune in Aquarius that will be exact on September 12, 2009. The inconjunct –also known as quincunx — is an aspect between two planets that are roughly 150° degree apart. It’s an aspect that causes irritation, annoyance and discomfort, much like an itch you can’t stop scratching.

Saturn represents restrictions and limitations of reality, as well as practical life with its responsibilities and commitments. Neptune embodies creative inspiration and all things subtle, faith, ideals and spiritual enlightenment. Conflicts between these two planets will underline the strain existing between the world of wishes and dreams and the world of hard reality. yesbutpurp-flmtxt

On the whole, inconjuncts tell us there is no balance. The planets and points involved in a quincunx don’t understand each other. The signs not only are of a different element (Fire, Earth, Air and Water), they are also of a different modality (Cardinal, Fixed or Mutable). For example, Virgo is Mutable Earth, while Aquarius is Fixed Air. The energies are not easily blended, as they represent distinctly different areas of life and needs.  As Elsa P. editor of ( said, “the inconjunction represents the ‘but’ in a story”. (“I lived the American dream, but now I am losing my shirt”) I call it the Yes But dilemma.

Each sign holds two possible quincunxes. For Aquarius, the two quincunx signs are Cancer and Virgo. Each time a particular pair of planets is quincunx, circumstances require the two planets to make adjustments. However, the issues and concerns of the signs involved are so different that any compromise seems impossible. The two most recent quincunxes between Saturn and Neptune are a case in point.

 The last time Saturn and Neptune were inconjunct was in 2003/2004, while Saturn was in the sign Cancer. Saturn emphasized the Cancer need for security and comfort of family life, spurring a real estate boom. Neptune, still in Aquarius, fed the illusion that the economic growth could be sustained indefinitely through consumption. The quincunx prevented us from seeing this blind spot.

 Fast forward to mid-September 2009 when the 3rd of the 5 oppositions between Saturn and Uranus will occur at the same time of the Neptune inconjunct to Saturn in Virgo. In layman’s terms, this configuration could bring, for example, additional turmoil to the economy in general and the healthcare debate, in particular. On one side, Saturn in health oriented Virgo is demanding that the inefficiencies of the actual healthcare be dealt with. Saturn in Virgo is also asking us to have a clear picture of the nuts-and-bolts security that we require in order to feel safe. At the same time, progressive Uranus is clamoring for a solution that would incluyesbut-flamtxtde the 47 million citizens without adequate healthcare.

 On the other side, Neptune in Aquarius still wants us to live the hope of the “American dream” of individual success and wealth amidst severe economic depression, staggering unemployment and huge budget deficit. The inconjunct of Saturn to Neptune acts as a referee, demanding that the American society use more of its resources to relieve the existing social injustices and inequities. However, the discomfort caused by the quincunx seems to be stemming from disagreement about the best way to go about taking care of ALL of the people and what appropriate long term societal adjustments are needed.

 Financial Astrologer, Ray Merriman, says this current inconjunct is asking us to juggle the dream of Camelot with the prospect of the Great Depression  and 9-11 all over again.  Indeed, it seems as if this inconjunct is adding fuel to the widespread feelings of economic doom and gloom.  But we can take up Merriman’s charge. We can juggle between these extremes. The question is how!yesbutrbw-flmtxt

 We can juggle these opposing and seemingly incompatible dreams by harnessing the positive qualities of Saturn in Virgo such as service, dedication, and accountability. These qualities can move us toward greater social consciousness, increase our care and concern for all, and insist on better equality between the socially privileged and the rest of society.

Note: for more detail about the current astrological picture involving Neptune in Aquarius see: The Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron Conjunction Hits the US Moon

What Fabienne says about herself: I am Brazilian-born, living in the United States. I have a deep-love for astrology since 2003. I consider astrology a practical spiritual and psychological tool; a science; an intuitive art; a gift; a friend; a path of personal growth and knowledge; and now –a means of personal contribution to others. My brand of chart reading combines a multicultural perspective, intuition, life coaching techniques.  I also have a talent for “stating the obvious”, meaning that I can  help you identify something that is uniquely you but you are not  really able to see. Like a background noise that you are trying to figure what it is. I can point it out to you and you have a ha-ha  moment.  I can be contacted at or 415-648-1932 or visit my website at

More Posts about Saturn on this Blog:




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  1. This is terrific! I love the opportunity to learn something new about the inconjunct aspect. And this is a wonderful example of how it functions in reality. From what I’ve read many astrologers, including myself, have overlooked this aspect. hee hee

    You do have a gift, Fabienne. Great post! 😀

    • Thank you so much for your comment. It’s very encouraging for a beginner’s writer like me. I am thrilled to have had this opportunity through Donna.

  2. Wonderful article! Well-written and with useful information.

  3. Excellent article for this aspect that expresses quite positively in the social working and social injustices areas of life.

    Thanks, Fabienne (and Donna)!

  4. Terrific! The “yes, but” strikes a very familiar chord and helps me understand my own inconjuncts better.


  5. lovely clear explanation of a a pretty complex thing
    when’s it going to clear up?
    and what’s the best course of action – keep head down? organize small things and wait? go back to school?

  6. I agree. I have noticed it countless times. Each time I do utter that sentence I pause and reflect on what I am actually doing. Very useful trick.

  7. You write so authoritatively, someone might think that you had Aries strong in your chart . I appreciate the clarity of your writing.

    You have touched a problem within America that has bothered me for years. We have a myth of what America is versus the reality of America. Often the debates and arguments (and shouting and shooting and …) are because one person or group is seeing America the myth and the other group is looking at what America really is.

    Good job, Fabienne, on your “Yes But” blog posting. I llok forward to reading more.

  8. I read this and e-mailed Fabienne but wanted to come back here to make a comment. In the interest of disclosure, I know Fabienne. I also want to say I don’t know anything about astrology, it’s not a part of my life (Ha!) I never read about it, and it’s not really a tool I’ve embraced. With that said…. I’d like to say this is an Amazing article. It’s extremely well written in Fabienne’s articulate, intelligent style and humor. Her love of astrology and willingness to share shines through.
    There are MANY, MANY things going on in my life right now that are described accurately in Fabienne’s article!!! “Yes, but..” fits perfectly. It even lessens my anxieties to read there is a reason (time) for it. Thank you, Fabienne. Your article is just another example of the many reasons I refer to you (in my head) as “Fabulous Fabienne.”


  9. Great article! I love your descriptive style and very informative for a novice of astrology like myself. I enjoy your work keep the articles coming, I look forward to reading more!

  10. Beautiful clear writing. Intellegence and compassion as well. Little sister is very talented and a scientist as well!

    • I agree, Anna Maria, a fine article, well-executed! Donna

  11. Great article, Fabienne. Now I see why people interpret what is going on around them in their day to day lives based on astrological things. Very interesting that the economic recession could have resulted in part from such things.

  12. ThankYou Fabienne Lopez You Go Exactly To The Point and i remember it Hit Me in 2003 Great that You Say about That Relation because it give me the chance to remember and can understand more about Those Days and how it works !!!!

    I like the Way You say it and what You Say Beautiful i understand more about 150° and how this affected economy and how it affects more Things i can start thinking what is going to happen when it comes again May 2, 2010 and June 27, 2010 also in Virgo about 28° so it means that changes in economy are about to happen and in Health & Work Environment (Virgo Themes) Order, Discipline, (SAturn Themes) and Awareness (Neptune Themes, Aquarius Themes) Great We Need Much of That so we can Make a Better World !!!

    Really Great Info Useful and Deep !!!

    ThankYou Very Much Donna Cunningham for all This Magic Awakening Insights !!!

    • I’m so glad you got a lot out of it, Jorge. That transiting aspect will be affecting us through much of May. Fabienne’s blog is worth a visit. Donna

  13. ThankYou Donna Cunningham !!!

    I am saving all Great info from Those Great People From The Blogathon and people i find in Your Magic Site because i will take the time to get to know more about all this Great people !!!

    I am not an Astrologer (Maybe someday i can study to be a Pro i would love to!!!) but i love this magic and i am having my Jupiter Return in 8th house after opposing my Uranus while Jupiter make a Conjunction to Neptune-Chiron Conjunction !!!

    I am a Taurus (Ground) asc Leo Moon Libra but my intuition has been good all my life and something happened that take me to this great road so there is something i have to Do iin or With This Magic Knowledge and Wisdom !!! By Saying Ground i mean it is Difficult for me to get to understand all this marvelous Knowledge !!!

    My Moon in Libra Must be Helping me a lot !!!

    Best Wishes !!!!

    Yes I Think Fabienne Lopez has got the Touch as all This Great People !!!

    ThankYou Donna Cunningham You´ve Got The Touch !!!!

    Best Wishes Everybody !!!!

  14. Donna, I wish you would comment on Uranus Quincunx Pluto…..It has me concerned & is in mu sons chart this month. Someone help, as I’ve studied my eye balls out.

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