Posted by: Donna Cunningham | March 29, 2010

22 Articles about Neptune on Skywriter

My test to measure the strength of Neptune in the natal chart–one of a series of four on the outermost planets–prompted Neptunian readers to share deeply and honestly about this important facet of their being.  A number of them hadn’t realized before that certain qualities they’d considered odd or alienating about themselves were related to Neptune and, furthermore, were shared by a great many other Skywriter readers.  The sharing was so profound and the eagerness to learn more so moving that I declared a Neptune week and published several new articles on Neptune.

In answering their comments, I kept wanting to direct them to articles on Neptune-related topics in my archives. Finally, it occurred to me that with so many new readers joining us in the last few weeks, a list of articles about Neptune, Pisces, and the 12th house, complete with easy links to follow, would make a helpful reference.  Below are 22 of them.   

Articles about Neptune on this Blog:

 Articles about the 12th house:

 Articles about Pisces:

You can also download an 11-page index by subject of the 325 articles that have been published here and enjoy: Skywriter-Articles Index 6-1-2010.  If you save it to your hard drive for future reference rather than printing it out, the links will be live and lead you directly to any article you’re interested in.  Feel free to pass the index along to other astrology lovers or to post it on lists. Thanks for joining us!  Donna Cunningham

 If this post was helpful, sign up for a subscription, and get a FREE EBOOKLET for Skywriter Subscribers Only: Mothers, Daughters, and the Moon, a 50-page excerpt from The Moon in your Life. Read more about it here: New: Free Booklet For Skywriter Subscribers! 

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  1. Thank You Donna Cunningham !!!

    I Will try to read em all ASAP !!!

    I really Like Neptune !!!

    All Outer Planets are really Deep !!!

    And all of This Info is really helpful to watch and Use this Great Energy My score about Neptune is 29 and i am trying to keep watching how this Great Energy takes place !!!!

    Best Wishes Everybody !!!!

  2. Aloha Donna I scored a 48 on your Neptune test, however I consider myself to be a very compassionate, and helpful person, especially to anyone who seems to be in pain or deeply troubled. Maybe it’s because of the troubles I went through in my childhood and early adulthood that has given me the ability to “step into the shoes” of others and help whenever possible. I read your article “addicted to anguish”, and I applaud your friend for showing her compassion and love in the way she does. Perhaps her early experiences have opened her heart too. I realize that one can go too far in expressing compassion, but where would the world be if everyone looked at suffering with a cold eye and detatched attitude? Maybe Uranians and Plutonians can do that, but not Neptunians. Bless them all. Meleanna

  3. Hi , Happy April Fool’s Day!!

    A Jewish lady calls the newspaper and asks for the obituary section.
    The obit guy asks, “What can I do for you?”
    “I’d like to place an obituary.”
    “Awright, how would you like it to read?”
    “Irving Cohen died.”
    “That’s it? Irving Cohen died?”
    “That’s it.”
    “But you get four lines in the obit. It’s included in the price.”
    “All right. Irving Cohen died… Cadillac for sale.”

    Happy April Fool’s Day!

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